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"Are you mad at me?" You ask in disbelief as Keigo stares at you with his arms crossed at the end of your kitchen, leaning himself against the sink.
"Yes." He says.
You look at him a little shocked. You'd never seen Keigo genuinely angry with you before, the only time he'd ever even remotely been snappy with you was when you'd accidentally lay on his wing.
"It just slipped my mind." You say defensively, matching his stance yourself.
"You can't let things like that just 'slip your mind', Y/N." He says, frowning further. "Do you understand how much danger you could have been in? We've been too slack, you've nearly been revealed too many times. There's only so much my social media analyst can do to keep us under wraps."

"C'mon Keigs, it's really not that-"
"You don't care about being taken by villains?" He asks, his wings ruffling behind him as his voice raises slightly. "No? No thoughts on that at all? Someone's wife was tortured the other month to get information about her husband. She bled to death alone in an empty warehouse because someone had a grudge against her husband."
You close your mouth, clenching your jaw shut.
"You seriously need to be more careful, Y/N. You have no clue what's going on around you sometimes, and I can't always be around to help.  I'd love to be, but I can't."

"What if it was your ex again? Huh?" Keigo asks, his voice low. Your heart stops in your chest for a moment, before starting to beat irregularly. "What if he came into your home and I wasn't around to help you?"
"I really don't want to-"
"I'm so terrified of something happening to you." He admits, the tone in his voice softening significantly. "The whole time I was away I couldn't sleep because I was so worried something horrible would happen to you that I wouldn't be able to stop."

The admission surprises you, making your eyes widen. You take a step forward, and he holds his arms out for you.
"Come here." He practically whispers.
You do, wrapping your arms around him, your hands remaining inched away from his body. He holds a hand at the back of your head, pressing you into his chest, the other arm wraps around your waist and his wings surround you both.
"I love you so much. Please, please, just be more careful." He begs you quietly, kissing your head gently.

"I'm sorry." You say softly into his chest.
He stays quiet, stroking your hair and pressing kisses against your head over and over again. You nestle into him as much as you can, your face fully pressed into his chest, your arms squeezing him tightly occasionally.
"Are you still mad at me?" You ask quietly after a while.
Keigo hushes you, tugging your hair slightly to move your face so you're looking upwards. He gives you a gentle kiss, before moving your head back to his chest again.
He continues holding you in silence, his hand moving through your hair. You let him carry on, standing with your body pressed against him, happy to be cocooned with him in his wings.

"You went out tonight?" He asks, kissing your head.
"Yeah." You say softly, cherishing  being held. This being one of the longest, most affectionate hugs you'd ever had.
"Did you have a nice time?" He asks, resting his chin on the top of your head.
"It was really nice." You say with a little smile. "It was nice to feel normal again. I wasn't going to go, but Sota kinda made me. I'm glad he did."
"Sota's a good friend." Keigo says. "How much did you have to drink?"
"Three gins." You say, feeling his lips press against your hair again.

"Okay." He says, slowly opening his wings. "Let's go to-"
"Just a little longer." You say quietly, squeezing him again.
He chuckles, wrapping his wings back around you again.
"If you insist."

You keep yourself pressed against him for a little while longer, feeling the safest you'd ever felt in your entire life while wrapped up in his arms and soft wings.
"Any gossip from tonight?" Keigo asks, his fingers still working their way through your hair.
"Not from tonight, no. Although, there was a bit of a weird atmosphere towards the end. Kana seemed moody."
"Kana always seems moody." Keigo chuckles.
"I guess..." You say. "Walked in on Ren and Sota this morning."

Fallen - A HawksxReader Story.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin