Fourty Five

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The night was as sleepless as Keigo had expected. He'd managed to get a couple of hours in before his brain went into 'hero' mode, his legs hanging off the hotel roof as he looked down at the surroundings, alert and ready to drop down at any sign of danger.
Once he'd woken up fully, finding himself curled up on the edge of the roof, he'd rubbed the sleep from his eyes, his head immediately running to the thought of wishing he'd woken up beside Y/N again. He'd never been coaxed back to bed during one of his sleepless episodes before, and he wouldn't mind it happening again.
Just like magic, the thought leads to the memory of what she'd said on the phone echoing dully through his mind.

"She touched my hand without a second thought. Like, no fear at all even though I told her that it was entirely random when it happened."

He pulls his phone out, pressing at the screen quickly before lifting it to his ear, and like clockwork, the phone call was answered after the second ring.
"Ichika." He greets, his footsteps light as he cascades down the staircase.
"What can I help you with this time?" Ichika asks, and Keigo can practically see the raised eyebrow on her face through the phone.

"How'd it go?" He asks, opening the room door with a keycard pulled from his pocket.
"I couldn't possibly tell you." She replies, her voice carrying a slight hint of sarcasm in it. "Don't you know that therapy is incredibly confidential?"
Keigo can't help but roll his eyes.
"Yeah, yeah. You know what I mean."
Theres a pause for a second before Keigo hears the older woman exhale through her nose in a small sigh.

"She was late." She says. "Naturally, as expected from you, Hawks."
Keigo can't help but grin. She had a point. Besides from his hero work, he was always fashionably late, always had been, ever since a kid. It used to drive her crazy.
"So I couldn't get to much in the time I actually had her for." She explains. "One thing I can say for sure is that she needs a bigger support network. You and one other person aren't enough."
"One other person?" Keigo queries. "What about her family?"

She makes a point of creating a long silence before Keigo grumbles, catching sight of himself in the mirror, a tired, worn version of himself staring right back at him.
"Ichika, what about her family? Fuck the confidentiality. She told me she'd told them."
"She seems to think they're not overly bothered about this new power of hers. She said she guesses its purely a 'fluke' to them." Ichika says, not taking a long time to bend to Keigo's demand.
He pauses, mulling it over in his head.
"She needs to have more people to talk about it with. You can see she's struggling."

"Did you tell her about your Quirk?" Keigo asks, running a hand through his tangled blonde hair as he narrows his eyes.
There's a long pause before Ichika lets out a condescending scoff.

"You do your job, and I'll do mine, Hawks."

The unmistakeable sound of the phone call ending interrupts him before he even gets the words to leave his lips.
He moves the phone away from his ear, looking at the blank screen before throwing it on the bed.

"That's a no then."


You can't help but smirk as you look at Katsuki through the window as he does press ups in the garden, his nose touching the grass without fail every time before he pushed himself up.
"Making up for dinner?" You call, opening up the window and making your dad chuckle behind you.
Your brother ignores you, instead begins to call the number of reps he was on a little louder.
"He works so hard." You say with a little shake of your head. "Makes me feel bad."

Your dad gives you a ruffle of your hair, looking down at you with a soft smile.
"You work hard too, Y/N." He says before returning to your moms side as she pours you a cup of tea.
"How are you? It feels like we haven't seen you for a while. " Your mom asks, pushing the cup towards you.
"I'm okay, mom." You say, giving a genuine smile. "Just busy. So much has happened since the Sports Festival!"

"Yeah? Like what?" Your dad asks, leaning his face on his one hand as he leans on the countertop.
"Well, me and Hawks had a few days off together, which was really nice." You say, smiling a little softer as you look down at the cup between your hands. "Then Kana did something really out of character, so I feel like I'm having to keep an eye on the studio a lot more than I ever have before."
"Kana? What did he do?" Your mom asks, raising an eyebrow.
"Some dumb shit." You say, rolling your eyes as you take a sip of your drink. "He's been an angel ever since. It's... unsettling."

"I can imagine." Your dad says with a chuckle. "He scares me a little. I can't imagine him actually behaving himself enough to be an 'angel.'"
"And then I went to see a Quirk therapist a few days ago..." You say slowly, spinning the cup around in both of your hands.
"Oh?" Your mom says, leaning back. "Is there any need for that? It was only the once, right?"
You shake your head. "It's happened twice since then."
Both of your parents shoot each other a look.

"What did they say?" Katsuki asks, his gruff voice coming from behind you making you jump.
"Fuc- A warning tap, please!" You say, your hand on your chest. He just shrugs you off, leaning against the fridge. "Not much really, she just asked a lot of questions. Just talking about it helped a little. I have another appointment in a few days."
"Can you do it now?" He asks, his red eyes dancing around the room to look for something to hand you.
"Probably not, no." You say with a shake of your head. "Nothing's happened for over a week now."

Katsuki huffs, moving away from the fridge.
"Sounds like a shit Quirk." He murmurs under his breath.
"Oh, you have no idea." You say with a breathy laugh. "Wait, where are you going?"
"To bed." He responds blandly, pulling you into a half hug before skulking up to his bedroom.
"He's such an old man." You joke, turning your head to face your parents again.
"He's been non stop training since the festival." Your dad says with a shake of his head.

"He's going to Best Jeanist for work studies! Isn't that incredible?" Your mom coos, the pride lighting up her crimson eyes.
You look blankly at her.
"Come on, Y/N. Best Jeanist! The number three hero?" Your mom probes, her eyes searching yours, and getting nothing from them. "Christ, I don't know how you grew up with your brother and didn't pick up on any heroes at all."
"I know All Might." You say defensively. "And Hawks."

You and your mom banter for a bit, your dad slinking out of the room without you both realising.
A silence falls after a little while, your mom still chuckling under her breath. You stare at the empty cup between your hands before swallowing and looking up at your mom, her hair as unruly as Katsuki's, her eyes looking at you warmly.
"Mom... Can we talk?" You ask hesitantly, feeling like a child again.
"Of course. What's wrong?" She says, sitting opposite you, reaching for your hand. You promptly snatch it away, averting your eyes when you see the flash of hurt pass over her face.

"Can we talk about my family?" You ask, staring at a scorch mark on the cabinet door that had been there since Katsuki was a little boy. One of his temper tantrums mixing with his newly manifested Quirk.
"Y/N..." Your mom sighs, leaning back in the chair as she looks at you. "I'm not sure it's a good idea. It's such a dark, sad story."
"I just need to know if there were any Quirks... similar to mine?"
She's silent for a moment before letting out another small sigh.
"None that I know of. Not similar to yours at least." She says, shaking her head.

"That doesn't make sense though." You mumble. "Katsuki's is similar to yours."
"It doesn't always work that way, love." Your mom says, her warm, comforting voice returning. "Your dad's coworker just had a little boy with horns. Horns! Neither of the parents have that."
"Maybe his coworker should be concerned about that..." You say lowly.
Your mom chuckles, and you look over at her, a small smile forming on your face too.

"I'll try to find the papers for you." She says, reaching for your hand again. You wince as she takes it, giving it a squeeze. "I'm sure anything you need to know will be in there."
She pauses, rubbing her thumb against yours lightly.
"It'll be a hard read, Y/N. Make sure you're ready for it. I'm not joking when I warn you."
You take in a shaky breath and nod.

"I'll let you know." You say, giving her a small smile.

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