Twenty Two

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A breeze in the room wakes you up gently, and you open your eyes slowly, watching Keigo as he gets dressed, the breeze seemingly having come from him moving his wings so he could get his shirt on. 
 "Where are you going?" You groan, rubbing your eyes and sitting up on your elbows. Keigo pauses before turning back to you, and smiling. 
"Morning. I was going to make you breakfast. Did I wake you?"
"Do not make me breakfast, Keigo." You grumble sleepily, pawing at the bed beside you. "Come back to bed."
He stands and looks at you for a second before sitting on the edge of the bed, one wing trailing against the floor as the other rests atop the bed. His hand reaches down to stroke your hair softly.

"Let's talk now." He says softly. You feel your mouth tug at the corners, no longer wanting to talk about what had happened last night, suitably embarrassed, frightened and nervous. 
"I don't-"
"So, your family have explosion Quirks, right? Did your hands feel hot at all?" Keigo says, moving a stray piece of hair out of your face. You look at him dully.
"They're... They're not my real family." You say, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Keigo looks at you with a frown.
"What do you mean, they're not your real family?" He asks.
"I'm adopted. My real family died in some villain attack years and years ago." You say bluntly. "None of them survived, and I don't really remember them much, so I can't tell you what kind of Quirks they had."
"And you never thought to tell me that? That's a pretty major life event, Y/N." Keigo asks in disbelief.
"The Bakugos are my family as far as I'm concerned." You shrug, shutting the conversation down quickly.

He sighs, leaning back against the headboard.
"Well that's that theory out of the window." He says quietly. 
You both sit in mutual silence for a while, you reaching for your phone and scrolling through it aimlessly, grimacing at all the missed calls and texts from your Mom from last night.
Suddenly, Keigo removes the phone from your hand, replacing it with a single feather. You look up at him with a raised brow.
"Do it again." He says, gesturing to the feather.
"I can't, Keigo. I don't know how to." You say, going to give him the feather back, he pushes your hands away with one of his, shaking his head at you.
"Focus on it. Try and do it again." 

You roll your eyes, knowing this wasn't going to work but entertaining him anyway out of the small chance you did manage to do it again. You close your eyes, gripping the feather tight, ignoring the shudder that came from Keigo when you did so, focusing on trying to turn the feather into sand like he'd asked you to. You tried to imagine it disappearing in your hands with your eyes open and closed, you tried gripping it as tight as you could, wondering if power was what you needed to get the Quirk to activate, you even tried to get angry at the feather, seeing if emotion was the driving force behind it, but the feather just sat in your hands, untouched and almost mocking you.
Keigo sighs, plucking it out of your hands before you tried gripping it again. You look at him and give him a little "I told you so" shrug, reaching for the phone he held in his hand.
"I wonder." He says, twirling the feather between his fingers as he mulls it over to himself, you typing out a message to your mom, her texts had gotten more and more worried as time went on. 

"Did the Bakugos not tell you anything about your birth family at all?" Keigo asks, breaking the silence, feather back in his wing where it belonged. You shake your head.
"No, apparently it was a pretty messy situation." You pause, putting the phone down. "Mom said it was better I didn't know." 
"Is it now, though?" Keigo asks, pushing a button you didn't appreciate. "Now you've found something out about yourself that you have no idea about."
"My family was murdered, Keigo. What kid wants to hear about that?" You say, trying to keep your cool even though your familys integrity was being questioned. "Besides, this has literally never happened before. I never showed any signs of having a Quirk before last night." 
"Yeah, I know." Keigo says, a smug look plastering itself on his face. "Aren't I great?"
You roll your eyes, giving him a gentle push. His grin widens, pressing a kiss against your head before he stands from the bed, returning to getting dressed as you watch him from behind.

"Are you leaving?" You ask as he pulls his socks onto his feet, and his eyes meet yours softly.
"Afraid so, dove." He says, standing tall again.
You hum, watching as he grabs his yellow visors from your bedside table, him placing them on top of his unruly blonde hair before he gives you a small wave.
"See you soon. Take care, okay?" He asks, opening the bedroom door slowly.
"Keigo, please use the door this time." You beg before he closes the door, hearing a dark chuckle as he clicks the door shut.


Fallen - A HawksxReader Story.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin