is it the beginning of the end or the end of the begning?

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As soon as he stepped in, his feet flushed over the affluent touch of fluff red carpet. Aroma of lavender fused with the tempting scent of strawberries dangled over the brown felt walls of the vehicle. Curtained Windows, brimming over hues of sunset, flashing spots of rainbow spectrum through its crystals. A long chain of plush coral seats paired in three on either side with a number of dozed off students and few service men in white created the whole scene. 

The sight alone made him gulp. With every corner coaxed by wealth and luxury, the four wheeler was becoming too suffocated for him. All students wrapped in pieces of branded cloth, untouched pure skin and charitable accessories; even asleep, they were triggering his anxiety in more than one way. He could feel the crest of sweat snaking his skin. 

"Please take your seat sir." His teeth chattered at the formality. He wasn't used to that. With a small nod, he proceeded to pad over an empty seat. 

It was such an peculiar factor that the whole bus was dozed in slumber. The two near his seat as well. Jimin often found it difficult to sleep in moving vehicles. Neck rest or no neck rest, the thought of sleeping at some unknown place always bothered him.

"Thanks to my unsocial self." He muttered as the female staff jerked the sleeping male. With small slurs and a long line of curses, his head twisted in the cushion of his arms revealing a pair of brown orbs innocently blinking at him.

He pushed his head off his lap, stretching his mouth in a big kitty yawn, with firsts balled and darted at random directions. "What's your problem?" He slurred, tapping his lips and tracing the depressions of chains on his cheeks. 

Once the lady blurted her matter, it didn't take long for him to yank the doe eyed boy on his seat. 

Much to his fortune, there was enough space to prevent Jimin's crash landing on his lap and the smaller landed on the empty seat beside him. 

"Oops! Sorry!" He squeaked, rubbing his nape. 

Jimin  needed a second to collect his shattered composure before greeting the now awake boy. 

"Hi." Just a small word and he was on the ninth sky for not stuttering.

"Hiya!" The latter seemed very optimistic. His big eyes holded some sort of mischief in the pool of innocence and lips curled into a smile which seemed irreplaceable. He had wavy curls of sandy brown texture shielding his head and ears. 

"Are you a newbie?" 

Jimin  stiffened at the query. What could possibly be the purpose behind this? He wasn't a fan of movies but he had watched some where newcomers were bullied and asked the same question.

The latter pouted at the tedious tranquil. He snapped his finger to get the doe eyed boy out of daze. 

"It's okay. I'm new too." He giggled. "Don't worry they don't bully here. Just ragging." 

"Ragging?" The smaller couldn't help but churn inside. What's the difference between bullying and ragging? Both were throat souring for him. Gathering a bunch of new students and throwing them in the vessel of traducement instead of helping them. 

"Yep! Usually it's illegal in Scarlet academy but the period between October and January is forbidden for so-called 'junior-senior interaction'. They use this time for ragging." He huffed, folding arms over his chest. 

"How do you know That?" It wasn't unexpected. No rule is potent enough to make a successful pass at ground level. The surprising thing was the 'junior-senior interaction'. It wasn't mentioned in the catalog.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2021 ⏰

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