Part 6

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I woke up the next day with a severe headache and wanted to puke. I still haven't wrapped my head around what went down yesterday, I couldn't understand if it was a dream or reality. His voice seemed to be coming from somewhere near me, my eyes were shut and refused to open no matter how hard I tried. 

I wasn't sure about going to the school today, I really wanted to get my mind off what happened yesterday but my throbbing head seemed to have other plans. My parents already knew about how bad my head ached and asked me to stay back if it was very severe. I had another 20 mins to decide if I wanted to go or not, If I do not decide by then, ill be late for school.

I decided on not going and giving my head some rest, getting up from my bed I head towards the washroom to do my business. As I stretched my arms above my head, trying to feel better, I noticed hand impressions near my shoulder, as if someone was holding down on me very tight. I looked down at my feet and notice another set of impressions. Did I hut myself or these actually are hand impressions? 

I stripped to see if I have more bruises on my body and to my surprise, I had some burn-like marks on my back. Did go to hell and back? If it couldn't get any weirder, it wasn't hurting me at all. I was debating if I should tell my parents or not, I didn't have a valid explanation for this and it wasn't hurting me. I can't just tell them that someone in my sleep told me that I am not ready to be home yet. They would laugh at me.

Trying to forget about the unexplainable bruises on my body, I tried going back to sleep, the only way I could manage escaping this headache. It wasn't long enough that I was pulled back into the dreamland. It was him again, asking me how I was, I could never make out how he looked.

"Could you show me your face?" I said.

"One day amare" he replied receiving a huff from me in return.

"Was yesterday a dream or have I had an imaginary friend since childhood?" I questioned, if it was just a dream then I probably might've hit myself while sleeping, though it still didn't explain why did the bruise look like a hand impression or why was my back burnt.

"You have known me almost all your life, I'll agree to that, you could say I am a childhood friend of yours," he said, I could sense a smile on his face as he said that. 

What did he mean by that? I have been seeing him in my sleep since I was 4 from what I remember. "why do I have burn marks on my back?" I asked.

"you do not," he said simply

"yes, I do. I just saw them this morning. I even have bruises on my arms and ankles, will you tell me what did you do?" I replied back to him annoyed.

"Are you sure? you did say your head was hurting, you could've just seen stuff" he said

"why will I lie about it and no, I wasn't seeing stuff," I said walking towards the mirror kept towards my right. Lifting my t-shirt from the back to see, he was right, I had no burn marks. I looked down at my ankles and saw nothing, same with my arms.

 Was I really imagining it today? 

Did I hit my head while sleeping?

I felt some pressure on my brain and my body, once again. It wasn't the same as yesterday, my mouth was going dry but I could manage to speak. I thought back to yesterdays scenario where I couldn't even open my eyes, I tried to do it now, and I could open it halfway through. I wasn't sure why was this happening, I thought of asking Justin. "Why is this-" 

As I started to speak the pressure increased slowly, my back started to burn as if I was laying down on the hot pavement with my flesh coming in contact with it directly. My throat was getting drier each passing second, I started to collect the saliva again in my mouth to swallow before it gets too dry. My head was throbbing and I didn't know how to get myself out of this misery. I tried forcing myself to wake up yet again, I tried to lift my left arm to pinch myself, in hopes of jerking my body out of this hell hole. I tried to lift it, but I was being held back, I could feel someone holding onto my wrists and shoulders with a lot of force, I managed to lift my back a little to get away from the hot pavement underneath me, while simultaneously trying to get my hands and legs up, and working on opening my eyes. As I lifted my back a little, I was forced back down by someone coming in contact with the warmness underneath me.

The pressure increased a little more, still not the same as yesterday but it wasn't as tolerable. the floor becoming warmer, I could feel the drip on my ankle increasing almost as if someone was digging their nails into my skin. 

Suddenly I woke up, I didn't waste a second to run to my bathroom, I found myself facing the full body length mirror trying to examine my ankles and wrists first. I noticed the marks again, this time I could see a little blood oozing out of it. I took my top off and turned around looking behind my shoulder into the mirror, I saw the burn marks again. While I was looking for more mystery marks on my body, I noticed something strange happening to me. The bruises healing themselves, slowly the cuts on my wrists, ankles and shoulders were healing, closing themselves. The bruises started to fade at a rapid pace, I turned around to see my back, nothing.

I wore my t-shirt and went back outside to my room. I walked towards the bookshelf and pulled out the magic book setting it on my study table. I opened it and picked up the pen. without a second thought, I started to write frantically, asking questions, way too many questions. I needed answers to what was happening, I needed to know why did I just see him in my dreams, why do I have this book and on top of which who is he?

I stopped scribbling and waited for him to respond. It was taking way too long but soon the words were visible. 

"slow down Amare" it read.

"you will see me in person very soon, there is a lot you need to discover before receiving the answer to those questions. I need to prepare you before I can take you home" is what it said to me. 





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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2021 ⏰

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