17 -The Endeavour

Start from the beginning

Fischer felt a shiver cascading down his spine as he stepped foot on the craft. Somehow, even though he had been on an alien world for over eight weeks, this still felt like a dream. 

"Wow. . ." he stuttered, lost for words. He looked over at Ko who seemed to be just as in awe as he was. Her eyes were wide and filled with curiosity at the sight of the ship's interior. It was a nice sight seeing a little bit of her child-like innocence return. 

"Alright, so you two go grab your beds real quick. Where we're going, bridging will still take a fair amount of time," Quin stated, pointing towards the rear of the ship. 

"Bridging?" Ko asked.

Kori flipped a switch on the craft's wall and the ramp and door quickly retracted and sealed themselves shut. "Bridging is how we're gonna get there. It's basically a shortcut through space. Actually invented by you humans a long time ago. You called them 'wormholes' I think. Dunno why, weird name. But basically, it's a bridge through space. Helps when you wanna get somewhere really far away, really quickly. But like Quin said, it ain't instant. We'll be looking at around a day of travelling."

Fischer nodded as he spoke, fascinated by the prospect of travelling through wormholes. It was all the rage back on Earth, scientists couldn't seem to get enough of hit.

"Why do all the ships stay in this hangar. If most of the are for personal use, why not just keep them at home?" Ko asked as she looked through the blue tinted portholes of the Endeavour

"Well first off they're noisy as all hell. Even though they're not used a whole lot, if your neighbour had to listen to one of these jumpships taking off every morning, there'd be no shortage of complaints. They're also much easier to monitor and keep track of when they're all stored up like this. Keeps them safer. Also reduces the risk that they'll be used for smuggling and illegal stuff like that," Quin explained. 

"Alright everyone, Grab your seats. We're up in thirty. Course is set and the bridge co-ordinates are confirmed," Kori yelled from the cockpit. 

"You heard the man!" Quin exclaimed. She helped Ko into her seat while Fischer found his own. There were three seats that were sat parallel to each other along the wall that connected the cockpit to the main hub. Looking down at what he assumed was the alien equivalent of a seat belt, there were four straps that protruded from the wall. Grabbing hold of them, he was surprised when he felt what seemed like metal beneath his hands. Inspecting the straps closer, he realised that they were coated in the same hexagonal pattern he'd seen on countless other metallic surfaces during his time on Xarder. These straps seemed to be made from some sort of extremely flexible metal alloy. That definitely was a step up from seat belts on Earth.

With everyone buckled in, Kori flipped on the cockpit lights and grabbed hold of the small radio that was sitting on the console to his left.

"AIRPC, AIRPC, this is VJ-61Q, this is VJ-61Q. We're all strapped in and ready to proceed with a clearance 1 VTOL take off, repeat we are ready for a clearance 1 VTOL take off. We have four souls on board and are bound for deep Qalantic travel, repeat four souls on board and are bound for deep Qalantic travel, requesting permission for exit."

Before Fischer could process what on earth Kori had just said, another voice called back through the radio. It sounded male and had what sounded like a slight american accent to it.

"VJ-61Q, VJ-61Q this is AIRPC, we have received your take off request and are confirming your intentions for deep Qalantic travel, do you have any sort of ETA?"

"Negative AIRPC, my best guess would be around a few days but that depends on external factors as well." Kori replied.

"Noted VJ-61Q. Request acknowledged and permission granted. Stand by for further instructions. Can we confirm controls are functioning and operational?"

"AIRPC, we're green across the board. All control surfaces are responsive and operational."

"VJ-61Q noted. Can we confirm a sterile cockpit and comms?"

"Confirming sterile cockpit."

"Noted. We are ready to proceed with a clearance 1 VTOL take off. Initiate stage 1 prep when ready,"

"Confirmed AIRPC, beginning stage 1 prep now."

Kori flipped two switches in front of  him and almost immediately, the engines roared to life. Looking out the window, Fischer noticed the small pad that the Endeavour was docked on had lit up a bright orange. He guessed that was a warning sign, there so people were aware that the ship was about to take off. 

"Stage 1 confirmed. Initiate stage 2 when ready," the radio said.

Kori grabbed hold of one of the two levers that lay besides the pilot's seat and gently began to increase it. 

The sounds of the engine began to grow louder and louder and all of a sudden, Fischer felt his stomach began to sink. He then felt a sharp sensation in his hand. looking down, he saw Ko had instinctively grabbed it as soon as they began to rise, much like she did in the ekranoplan. Quin chuckled slightly and gently grasped her other hand. Her chest was pounding like a drum and her eyes were now paper thin slits. 

"VJ-61Q, we have confirmation of a successful stage 2 prep, curtains are being pulled for you now. Initiate stage 3 on my count."

"Acknowledged AIRPC, standing by for stage 3 prep," Kori replied.

"What's he going on about?" Fischer asked.

"This is all the pre flight checks that need to be done before we can leave. The stages are the different processes of take off. Stage 1 is engines on, stage 2 is lift off, stage 3 is when we leave the hangar, stage 4 is when we're free to leave." Quin replied, still holding Ko's shivering hand. 

"And what's the curtain?"

Quin grinned and leaned over to her right, pressing a button on the wall. She pointed up and Fischer watched on in awe as the ceiling of the jumpship began to seemingly disappear in a pattern of hexagons, revealing the opening roof of the hangar. 

"Curtains are the big doors that ships leave through." Quin explained.

"VJ-61Q this is AIRPC, curtains are open, you are go for stage 3."

"Confirmed AIRPC, beginning stage 3 now."

The ship jumped suddenly, the feeling of ascending grew stronger. Fischer watched as the ceiling of the hangar grew closer and closer, eventually sinking past the windows and growing smaller and smaller as the rose above the ground.

"VJ-61Q I'm confirming a successful stage 3 prep, you are cleared for stage 4. Happy flying."

"Appreciated AIRPC, have a nice day," Kori switched the radio off and pulled the lever back. The engines roared and the ship jumped upwards and began to rocket forwards. Fischer watched through the window as the city grew smaller and smaller as they shot through the air.

Kori grinned with glee as he sat back in the pilot's chair. "Alright guys, we're up! Next stop, wherever the hell it is we're going!"

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