Chapter 75 - Friends

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A blood-curdling scream next to my ear woke me up. I shoot up from my bed and glare at the culprit standing next to my bed. I'm about to scold her for waking me up from my beauty sleep, but seeing her panicked face, I swallow words down my throat as panic rises through me.

"What's wrong? Did something happen? Did the witch attack us?!" I ask her with my hoarse morning voice. Preparing to receive bad news, I reach for my San dagger on the nightstand. Ready to fight any monsters that will burst into our cabin.

However, there's no commotion outside. It's quiet. No one is screaming, only the faint sound of pirates conversing and wooden floor creaking as they walk around. I turn to her, confused.

Yeojin lets out a shaky sigh and sits on my bed. Her worry-filled gaze falls on me. "I tried to wake you up but you didn't respond at all. I thought you fell into a coma again. If you didn't wake up, I didn't know what to do..." Her voice trails off as she presses her lips together.

Fear creeps in me as I am reminded of Alice's illness. My hands clutch the San dagger to suppress my feelings. Last night was a normal night for me, no dream, no sickness, no dark void dimension.

Does that mean I could die any moment when I sleep?

I might be exhausted so I overslept. Yesterday was tough for my heart and brain. It took a while to fall asleep so it's normal that I didn't respond to her morning call. I try to think positively although my heart has gone cold.

Seeing Yeojin's gloomy face, I try to cheer her up. "C'mon, I woke up fresh and fabulous. You don't have to worry. Alice's body is still functioning well." I flex my non-existing arm's muscles for her to see. "But if I don't wake up next time, I allow you to punch me. But don't punch too hard, my face is very delicate."

Yeojin narrows her eyes as if she reprimands me through telepathy. Sadly, she didn't find my humor funny. I pout and turn away from her at the same time my stomach growls.

"I'm starving, let's go eat breakfast." I quickly change the topic. "You must be hungry too, right? Since you woke me up early in the morning." I look outside the porthole and see that the light is glaring harshly into the room.

"It's already past lunch time." She says in a grim voice.

Speechless. Now I understand why she panicked when I didn't wake up. After I came into this realm, it became a habit to sleep early and wake up in the morning since there's nothing to do at night.

"Perhaps, my body needs recovery. You know I always wake up in the afternoon in my world. Haha..." My awkward laughter died down as the girl's face darkened.

"Your world." Yeojin mumbles, staring straight into my eyes. I subconsciously gulp down, thinking of yesterday's event after I revealed my true identity to her.

Yeojin literally freaked out. She ran out of the room and came back with Yeosang, saying I had brain damage. But when Yeosang confirmed my story, she thought it was the effect of the curse that caused us to hallucinate.

On the other hand, Aurora accepted my story quite fast. She let out a surprise gasp with sparkle eyes. "Wow. That was how you received the seer power. You read our story from the magic box. I wish I get to know more about your world."

Yeojin threw her hands in the air after Aurora siding with us. Suddenly, she jumped on top of me, pinching my cheeks and yelling. "Does this feel like a book to you!?! This is the real world!!!!!"

I could only cry in pain, feeling like my cheeks would tear off from my face. Yeosang angrily shouted at his sister, trying to yank her away from me. While Aurora pulled Yeojin's arm with her little strength. We created loud commotion and attracted an uninvited guest.

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