Happy Girl Part 1

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Have I ever mentioned how weird people are?

There was a point in my life where I stayed with someone for the night and they could not stop sniffing me.

It was the weirdest sensation, and yet it was a bit flattering because I didn't think my scent was attractive to anyone.

This girl was laughing and hugging me and sniffing me, and she really seemed like a happy girl.

Yes, I think that's her name: Happy Girl.

She was giggling and jumping around and then flopped on her bed and sighed.

She looked at me intently, and a gentle smiled creeped on her face.

"This night was wonderful," she whispered.

She then got up, picked up a pen, and wrote a name on me.

I was shocked because I didn't think anyone would do that to me. But it made Happy Girl happy, so I let her be.

That's when I knew I wasn't going away any time soon.

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