Chapter 3 (Childhood)

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,,Don't say that you forgot again."
,,Oh often did we  warn ya now?"
,,Seems like you enjoy it getting beaten up again and again.."
Kokichi Ouma sat with his hands over his head down on the floor, crying slighty.
,,P-please..I already said that I'm not allowed have money with me.."
,,And you think we care 'bout that??"
Since school started it went like this. A group of three boys (no, not the stereotype pg kaito and his "cool" friends) always came and annoyed or hurt him. It was getting really tiring.. Kokichi tried often to fight back, but he was weaker as his classmates and always lost, which caused him always even more laughter from his tormentor.
Today he was being bullied again, in the middle of the hallway, and as usual, nobody helped him. Everyone just turned their view in an other direction, or even giggled at Kokichi, too.
,,C'mon guys, let's teach this weak piece of trash a lesson. The lesson, he deserves."
,,P-please wait a min-"
The boy didn't let his victim finish speaking. He grabbed Kokichi's collar and slammed him into a locker, slight smiling.
Kokichi closed his eyes in Fear.
Now he's gonna do it..get ready for the pain..
But suddenly..
,,H-Hey- Stop that!!"
Kokichi opened his eyes again, recognizing a boy with dark blue hair, and yellow grey eyes. They went together in a class...
How was his name again?
His bully laughed. Well..understandable, because the boy with the blue hair didn't seem very confident..
One boy of the group seemed scared.
,,Hey let's go..he might tell the teachers...and then why might get in trouble!"
That seemed to work. The three tormentor's seemed to think about it for a second, trying to find some arguments against it, but then they really let go from Kokichi!
,,Next Time..." the boy who wanted to beat up Kokichi mumbled, looking at him angry. Then all of them left.
Kokichi sat on the floor again, relieved. The blue haired boy went right to him.
,,hey, are you okay?" he asked with a worried voice and face.
Kokichi nooded. ,,Yeah..thank you.."
Both of them looked each other deep in the eyes for a while. Kokichi was sure that he has never seen such beautiful eyes in his life.
The boy broke the silence when he swiped away the tears that were left on Kokichi's cheeks softly. ,, are Kokichi, right?" He asked then, and smiled.
Kokichi nooded, a little bit embarrassed. ,,Yeah..we're going in a class together..and you are..uh.."
,,Shuichi. Shuichi Saihara." Shuichi said, slowly turning his view on the floor.
,,It's not bad that you forgot my name..a lot of people do. I'm used to it."
Disappointment laid in his voice.
Kokichi immediately felt guilty.
,,I'm's just that you do not talk much and..I'm not often here...I'm sorry.." he stumbled. What else should he say?
To his surprise, Shuichi showed him a great big smile.
,,Everything's fine, Kichi! You aren't like the others! Even if you forgot my name, too,  you aren't like the others, I feel it."
Kokichi frowned. ,,K-kichi??"
,,Yeah. A nickname I juuuust invented!"
Kokichi smiled. He smiled and felt his cheeks warming up.
,,That's...a really nice name. Thank you."
Shuichi giggled and took Kokichi's hand.
,,Hey, let's go eat something! I'm hungry, and I heard that they should sell great food today!"
Kokichi nooded, and smiled. Today was the happiest day in his life, he was sure about it.
It was like he was re-born again.

Kokichi was sure.
With Shuichi on his side, he could do anything.
A/N: Yeah. One day late but here's the next "chapter". It's a childhood chapter, how they both met.
I know that I kinda use the stereotype Pregame Kokichi, what I honestly wanted to avoid but yeah..
At least this isn't going to be a toxic pregame Saiouma ff ^^!!

Again, thank you so much for reading. It's kinda a short chapter, but I still hope you enjoyed!

Have a nice day/evening! < 33

(The great picture on the top is from @sasakamaodoki  on twitter!!)

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