Chapter 2

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Kokichi POV

As the nurse said, I was being kept for two weeks and three days. Everyday a person came and asked my about school and family. Well, sometimes I lied, sometimes I said the truth. I didn't want to let a stranger know almost everything about me, so I lied about the school being okay, my parents being nice, and my suicide being an accident because I slipped.
Well, this therapist didn't believe me everything, but they knew that they couldn't do anything against my lies. The had absolutely no proof that I was lying, so they just accepted it, they were completely helpless against my lies.

One day, a few hours after the therapist was gone, the nurse came into my room, looking slight happy.
"Sir! I have good news. Tomorrow, we'll finally dismiss you."
My eyes widened. "R-really?"
She nooded. "Yes! It seems like every injury mostly healed."
Somehow, I was happy. Even if I didn't want to go to school, I still was happy to get out of the hospital.
"T-that's great!" I said excited and smiled.

The nurse explained a few last things to me, then she left my room.
I began packing up my stuff ...well, I didn't had much to pack, because I only came here with...nothing. But as it seemed the person who rescued me also organised me some clothes and my phone from my home...I really should say thank you to them.

When It was evening, everything was packed up, and I lay on my bed, starring at the tiny paper with the address on it. Somehow, was really excited on meeting the person. 
I hope they will be nice..
I put the paper down and closed my eyes.
And before knowing it, I sunk into a deep, dreamless sleep.
At the next day, everything was going fast. I took my backpack with my clothes and said bye to the nurse and the therapist.
,,Take care of yourself, okay?" the woman said with a smile to me. I nooded. ,,I will. Thank you for everything."
And then, I left the hospital.
Fresh air blew through my hair, I heard people talking, laughing. I smiled slightly. I survived. Maybe it was a sign that my life would get better...I hope.
Well, I had no time thinking about it for now. I had to find the person who took me to the hospital.
I unfolded the paper and typed the address in my phone. It was a room in an apartment, one hour from here. I frowned. It wasn't far away from my school, so this could possibly mean I could know the person, right?
I gulped. Somehow, I was feeling not well about this. If they were from my school, maybe even in my class... I began to shake, without knowing it. Then..
,,Sir, are you okay?"
I turned my sight to the left, and stared right in the face of a girl, with a worried expression on it.
,,You are shaking and look so pale...aren't you feeling well?" she asked.
I needed a few seconds to answer.
,,N-no I'm fine..thanks."
The girl nooded, wished me a pleasant day and left.
I sighed. I couldn't let distract myself from thoughts like school right now..I had to find my saver.
50 minutes later I sat in the train, trying not to fall asleep. A lot of people were at work right now, so the train was quiet and calm. Since I hadn't much sleep last night, a short nap would really make me happy...but I only had to drive one station left and then I would be at the arpartment, so better I keep my eyes open.
,,After I said thank you, I can sleep as much as I want..." I mumbled, checking my phone again and again.
Suddenly, the train stopped and the doors opened. I blinked confused.
Already there?
I checked the station we were in. Yes, this was the right place!
Fastly I grapped my backpack, and hurried out.
I just had to walk a bit, then a big building with apartments appeared in front of me. This had to be it! I checked the address again.
"Apartment 133, [Super cool name] street"
I gulped, and recognized how nervous I was.
,,C'mon you can do it..just say thank you and then...then you can go back..." I mumbled to myself, quietly. 

And with thus, I opened the door to the big building, finding myself again in an hallway. Number 133...seems like I had to go the stairs, since the elevator was...broken.
I didn't make myself the work to complain, it wouldn't solve anything...
Tired, I went the stairs up. ,,Why won't the elevator work..I'm so tired.." I mumbled, and yawned.
Luckily, apartment 133 wasn't that high up, so I only had to go two flours up.
Before I knew it, I was standing in front of the apartment door, shaking. Until now, I didn't realise how nervous I really were...
,,C'mon you'll get this you'll get this...just say thank you.."
I pat my cheek, and breathe in and out.
Then, with trembling hands, I hit the doorbell...
Two minutes later, nobody came out. I looked down disappointed. All the expenditure for nothing...
I turned around, and started my return journey.
The sound of a door opening!!
Quickly, I turned around and-
The door of apartment 133 was opened and...a average tall highschool boy was standing in front of me, who was starring right into a pale face with two yellow-grey eyes, that widened, and that were partly covered by messy blue hair.
I couldn't believe my eyes..
Was this..
I wanted to say something but..I couldn't get a word out.
Was this..
My voice cracked, and I gulped, still starring at my opposite.
Shuichi seemed overstrained from my quick words.
,,K-.....Ko..Kokichi? that you..?"
I wanted to answer, wanted to hug him. But suddenly, everything began to flicker.
The world got slowly all black.
I wanted to reach out my hand but there wasn't enough time anymore.
The last thing I saw before passing out was Shuichi's face, still in shock, looking at me.
Then, everything turned black.
GUYS. I REALLY HAVE TO APOLOGIZE. I'm so sorry! I said uh..a month ago I would continue the story at the weekend but..
I forgot! I'm so incredible sorry! Really! I know not a lot of people read this thing but still...
Hngg! I'm really sorry guys...
But, as an apology I'll try to write another chapter tomorrow, okay? Okay.
Again, I hope my bad English doesn't bother you much..

Then, have a wonderful day or evening, and thank you so much for reading this! It really means a lot to me <3

(Also I might change my username for personal reasons I don't wana reveal, so yeah don't get confused if one day just another user is shown ^^"")

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