chapter 2

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"oh come on.. it'll be quick~" compress said while pulling kurogiri down by his tie,"Sako I said no.." kurogiri said trying not to fall for compress's tricks. "Please~" compress whined while getting onto him knee's and putting his hands together as if praying. Kurogiri only found it harder and harder to resist losing his composure to the begging man infront of him."master please~" Sako's voice grew shaky as he spread his legs open trying not to make it worse. "Sako for the last time no." Kurogiri kept himself from slipping into compress's trap,"b-but... please... it'll be quick!.." he said as his once strategic motions turned to desperation. "You sicken me." Kurogiri said as he kneeled down compress and lifted his chin almost teasing him. Compress melted into his touch almost instantly,before he could react compress felt himself being slammed against the hard floor.

As compress gasped for air you could see kurogiri on top of him, he could feel kurogiri start to touch him all while kissing his neck. Kurogiri had given up trying to resist losing himself to incubus that tempted him. "Thank you master~...." Compress moaned softly as kurogiri began to grind against him. kurogiri only continued marking the helpless man he wanted to call his lover. Compress felt kurogiri undress him as if he were a doll, Sako only watched as he left himself completely defenceless. His daydreaming was interupted by a stinging pleasure that only made him even more eager for kurogiri to fuck him Almost senselessly. his eyes filled with tears as he felt it push in and out if him. Soon enough he felt kurogiri start slamming into him senselessly,he began to whimper as the painful pleasure became unbearable. He could feel the once cold fog grow warmer by the minute,he only obeyed kurogiri as he was toyed with not once trying to fight back.

As kurogiri started to go deeper he felt himself slowly giving in to the pleasure. Compress soon found himself laying in kurogiri's arms completely exhausted. "I hope your pleased... lover boy." Kurogiri muttered into his while stroking compress curly brown hair. Compress felt hair being yanked back as kurogiri began marking his neck. As Sako tried to move he could feel kurogiri's grip tighten, pulling his hair even more. He started to whimper as kurogiri continued to violate him, kurogiri began to loosen his grip as compress gave in. "My little magician..." He said with a hint of pleasure at compress's state. Before compress could speak he blacked out.

(Time skip)

As compress woke up you found himself on top of kurogiri's chest nearly engulfed in the warm black fog. "I see your awake" kurogiri's soft voice kept you awake as your vision blurred with your drowsiness. "yeah.." you muttered only to feel the stinging pain in your throat,"be careful strained your self last night.." kurogiri said with a hidden smile. Sako only nodded while nuzzling kurogiri's chest, kurogiri began to purr as compress rubbed himself against kurogiri. As kurogiri got up compress could feel his body grow cold as the warm fog dissapeared from around him. Kurogiri only watched as the helpless man before him curled up into a ball under the sheets in attempt to stay warm. "C'mon compress.. I know you better than this ...." Kurogiri's voice made him look up.

" I'm s-sorry.."compress muttered hesitantly, " don't apologize.."kurogiri said while lifting his chin. Kurogiri gently kissed him before roughly grabbing his waist. Compress lynched in pain as he felt her Gary's nails dig into his side. Compressed started to cry as the pain got worse, kurogiri removed his hand and watched as the cuts bled."why d-did you do that..?" Compress managed to stutter out as the pain started to reside." You gave a mission tomorrow.." he teasing we said well fixing his suit, as compress got up he could feel the painful pleasure cloud his mind."don't go into heat when I'm gone~" . After a few minutes had passed compress found himself on the verge of cumming oh, he'd gone into heat with no apparent reason. As the day progressed he felt himself growing more and more needy."t-twice?" Compress said nearly panting,"Is everything okay?"twice sudden concern at his current state." H-heat"he said almost shamelessly, he watched twice's face turn red."w-why are you in my room then?" He asked nervously as compress came closer."I want a blow job" Sako said without a second thought." B-but-"twice was cut off by compress forcing him down to his knees.

secret lovers (kurogiri x Mr.compress x Twice)Where stories live. Discover now