12th Day

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Ochako turned around as fast as she could and hit him.

"I spent money on this shampoo, you better like it!" She yelled.

"Not all shampoo is good!" He yelled back.

Ochako didn't respond and stood up.

"Where are you going?" He asked her.

"You're being mean, so I'm going to bake myself some cookies" She walked to the kitchen.

Katsuki sighed.

"Fine, I like it! Happy now?" He lied.

She peeked out from behind the wall.

"You mean it?" She asked.

"Yes" he lied once more.

She skipped back into the room and laid back down on him, covering them up with the blanket again. Katsuki looked down at the girl he decided to take responsibility for and sighed.

"Why are you like this?" He mumbled to himself.

"Hm?" She looked at him.

"Nothing" He replied.

"Kay" she closed her eyes again.

Katsuki rested his head on Ochako's and they went from cuddling to taking a nap together.




Katsuki woke up to a slap in the face from Ochako.

"What the fuck was that for?!" He held the side of his face.

"I've been trying to wake you up for fifteen minutes! I've tried everything!" She told him, holding up a plate of oreos. "I even tried using these"

Katsuki couldn't blame her. He'd been told by many people that he can be a heavy sleeper, and that was usually what caused him to be late for middle school.

"Let's go somewhere" He said out of nowhere.

"What? Where would we go?" She asked him.

"Anywhere. The park?" He suggested.

"That sounds nice. Especially since it's late" She smiled.

"You like walking late at night?" He asked.

"Yeah, its so calming not having anyone bother you while you're on a walk" She replied, standing up. "I'll go change"

She then went upstairs to her bedroom to change. Katsuki did the same.

When they finished changing, they met at the front door.

Ochako was wearing a black skirt with matching tights. She had a pink short sleeved shirt on, and wore white fingerless gloves. She put on a pair of pink sneakers.

Katsuki had jeans on (not particularly the cleanest), and an orange sweater. He put his pair of black sneakers on.

"Ready to go?" He asked.

"Yup" She replied, grabbing his hand and leading him outside.

She inhaled the cool air, looking up at the sky.

"We just got out here and it's already beautiful" She said.

Katsuki smiled.

"You know what else is beautiful?" He asked.

"What?" Ochako looked at him, blushing a bit.

"Me" He chuckled.

"You're so mean" She huffed.

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