"I'll wager you didn't even believe in dragons this morning." Reepicheep joked. "You know... extraordinary things only happen to extraordinary people. Maybe it's a sign... that you've got an extraordinary destiny. Something greater than you could have imagined."

His words hit deep even for me....

Extraordinary things only happen to extraordinary people.

Was it true that I had a larger part to play yet?

"I could tell you one or two of my adventures if you like... just to pass the time. Believe it or not, you're not the first dragon I've encountered. Many years ago, too many than I care to mention... I was with a band of pirates. I met another dragon, much fiercer than you..." As Reepicheep droned onwards, sleep became heavy on my eyelids. And it wasn't long before I drifted off.

- - -

"Y/N!" I felt a harsh tug on my arm. "Y/N wake up!" It was Edmund's voice. I groggily set up, afraid that it was danger. I aimlessly looked around for my sword. "No, Look! The Blue Star!" The sun wasn't out yet so it meant it was still night.

I squinted up to where Edmund was pointing. Indeed, a shining blue orb was in the sky. Edmund got to his feet and went around. I was struck with relief. Weeks spent on a rocking boat trying to find it, and here it was.

"Everybody!" He shouted.

"What?" Peter shot up out of bed, his hair in a mess and a sword in his hand. "What is it?" He grumbled, half asleep.

"Everybody, wake up! It's the Blue Star! Come on, wake up!"

Within just a couple minutes, everyone was wide awake and looking at the star. Boats were loaded and we were rowing back to the ship in order to follow the star.

We got on the ship and the crew jumped in action, opening the sails.

But something was wrong...

The sails looked gorgeous, but they stood still. They were catching no breeze. They were not fluttering in the wind.

"We"ll have to man the ship manually!" Drinian yelled. All the crew went down below decks. I followed them, curious to what they would do.

There was a room where a bunch of paddles were lined up. The crew members took there positions and started pulling on the paddles.

"Pull! Mind your strokes there, lads. Pull!" Drinian shouted. I went back up to see we were barely moving.

"The wind has left us. So how do we get to Ramandu's Island now?" Edmund said, looking around.

But ever since the start, my gut was telling me something was wrong with this adventure.

"My guess is something doesn't want us to get there." I whispered. Eustace was flying around the ship, sometimes hovering in one place.

"If I get any hungrier, I'm gonna eat that dragon!" As crew member yelled at Eustace.

"Don't worry, Eustace, they'll have to deal with me first." I saw Reepicheep riding on Eustace. It was nice to see them as friends now instead of arguing.

"If we don't find land by tonight, they may well eat that dragon." Another member muttered. I looked away from the situation to the blue star shining above.

I studied the light closely, trying to think of a solution, but then suddenly the ship jolted. I fell back and reached forward to grab Edmund. He stabilized me.

"What did we hit?" He said, looking down at the water.

"Eustace, that's brilliant." I called out, looking to see the dragon pulling the ship with his tail.

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