Ch -1) Some secrets are meant to be disclosed!

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She tore a page from a new notebook, took a ink pen kept on the table, and started writing..


''We should love, not fall in love.
Because everything that falls gets broken.'' - Unknown..

Its truly said, We should love, but falling in love will always break us.

There is a limit of Toleration, and if that limit brokes, the tolerant too will!

Yes, I tolerated lot. I tolerated the things I hated to the core, I started stating that I love those things.

Isn't it weird?

What was the reason behind all these?
It was my only ''LOVE''!

Love is a beautiful thing, infact the purest feeling..!

Love makes us do the things we don't love to do.

Love sometimes forces us! Yes.. it forces us too. The way it forced me.

And..I decided to never fall in love ever...although I knew it was impossible to control this beautiful yet unwanted feeling..

I had no one to share my pain, my grief, my problems. I had no one..

I never shared somethings, yeah a secret precisely,  bt some secrets are meant to be disclosed.

I sat beneath the night sky, staring the uncountable stars.. They were miles away from us , They were miles away from the other stars, but to us, it seemed that they were very close.

The same goes with human beings.. people assume how close we two are, but only we know the barriers between us, the wall which stops us from loving each other.

The wall which stopped me was non other than my own love! For the sake of it, I not only sacrificed my feelings, but also sacrificed myself..

Those eyes were magical, they were my stars..

The only two stars, which I could touch and feel.. they were the only stars close to me.. and they fixed themselves in my heart in the first sight..

Those eyes were a window into my soul..

Those Magical Eyes!


Those Magical Eyes Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ