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~Ryder's POV~

About two days passed before Clementine even began to hint at how she felt for me. At first it was subtle things, just simple little things like waiting for me to wake up before she'd get out of bed or the way she was more than eager to just lay around with me in bed, doing nothing. Or like yesterday morning, when she had actually come to join me during my workout again and had actually worked out with me instead of just sitting close by, even though I assured her she didn't have to. After all, I knew she didn't much like to exercise, and I was fine with that.

But this morning, I woke up to the feeling of gentle kisses on my stubble-lined jaw and I was thoroughly confused when I peeled my lids open. Clementine curled her body into my side, the softness of her lips on my skin startling me at first. "Hm? What are you doing, baby?" I muttered, my voice coming out husky from sleep. She never woke me up like this, ever. In fact, she hadn't ever really purposely woken me up at all before, let alone in this way. If anything, I was usually the one that would wake her up like this.

"It's my turn, isn't it?" She said softly, the warmth of her breath fanning my neck causing my heart to race. I opened my eyes again and turned my head to look at her, my gaze easily finding her pretty blue eyes. "Your turn?" I echoed, furrowing my brows in confusion. I wasn't sure what the hell she was talking about.

She curled her body into mine and my heart skipped when I felt her large breasts push against my chest, the bare feeling making it clear to me that she had no shirt and no bra on beneath these blankets. My eyes flicked down, as if to check, but I was only greeted by the sight of her cleavage peaking above the covers ever so slightly. Still, it was plenty enough for me to know my assumption was correct. "Yeah." She nodded, her fingers gently trailing down my chest until she reached my stomach, letting her fingertips trace over each ab. "My turn to show you that I love you, too. Just as much as you do me." She said softly, sitting up a little more to loop her soft leg around mine, tangling them together.

I peered up at her, now far more awake than I had been only a few moments ago. Hearing those words from her was the last thing that I was expecting to wake up to, especially when she was naked and looking at me like she wanted to fuck me.

"You really wanna do this now?" I asked, though I was certainly not complaining. In fact, I was all for it, but I didn't know how long she'd been awake or if she actually wanted me just because she wanted me and not because she wanted to prove something. "Yes." She pouted, the fabric of the blanket falling down a little more to expose more of her cleavage as she stretched so her body was leaning on top of my chest. I could feel her hardened nipples on top of me, the large size of her breasts pressing down on my chest. "All we've done the past few days is kiss." She said, my gaze following her when she suddenly shifted again, sitting up directly on top of my crotch.

Tiny gasped when she immediately felt the hardness of my cock beneath her, straining against my boxers, but I wasn't sure what she'd been expecting. I'd been hard since the second I felt her bare breasts against me, honestly. It seemed, though, that the rest of her body was just as nude.

The blanket had completely fallen away, pushed off to the side and leaving her naked body on display atop me. I felt my dick twitch and she placed her small hands on my chest as she leaned over me a little more, a slightly bashful blush within her cheeks that I could tell she was trying her best to fight. Admittedly, I just found it fucking adorable.

"You miss having my cock in you, Tiny?" I muttered as I placed my palms on her thick thighs, taking my time to eye her curvy, naked figure on top of me. Her thighs were spread so her knees were on either side of my hips as she straddled my lap, the wide stretch of her hips leading up to the soft curve of her waist and then the fullness of her breasts. The fact that I got to claim her as mine was something I would never get over. "Is that what you're trying to say?" I asked, flicking my eyes up to meet hers. Funnily enough, I couldn't help but to notice that her cheeks were now even pinker than just a few moments ago. "Go ahead." I told her, my voice becoming slightly softer as I stared up at her. "Take what you want. I've missed it, too."

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