Chapter 8 a new life

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There is a way." A familiar voice calls out.

Toby looks up to see Ben and Sally holding hands. They step closer, their faces are also streacg with tears.

"" Toby asks.
"Sally and I have been trapped here on this earth because of rage, sadness, and vengeance. We haven't been able to find any peace, until now. We are grateful to all of you for being our friends, our family. Especially Rose and Jeff. Jeff might not be the best person in the world, but he is one hell of a best friend. If Sally and I go, then that will leave a gateway for Rose and Jeff's spirits to come back." Ben says.
"B...but, you and S...Sally would be g...gone, forever." Toby exclaims.
"Don't worry Toby, we're not leaving just yet. Let's teleport them to the mansion. It would be a lot better if we said our final goodbyes from there." sally instructs.

Ben nods and makes a ghostly bubble like thing around you and Jeff, not wanting to separate the two dead lovebirds. Sally grabs a hold of Stephen and Toby's hands. And EJ puts a hand on Ben's shoulder as Ben lifts the bubble into the air. Within a few seconds, all of you are teleported into the mansion. Without a word, all of you walk up the grand staircase and into Jeff's old room. Ben places you and Jeff's lifeless bodies onto the bed before joining the others in a small semi circle around it.

"Ben? Should we open the gate way now?" Sally asks timidly.
"Yeah." He replies, taking a hold of her hand.

The two of them close their eyes in concentration as a golden light surrounds them. After a minute, they open their eyes and everyone looks up to see yours and Jeffs spirits float down from the ceiling. The ghosts of you and Jeff step forward holding hands. The two of you look confused, but happy to see your friends once again. Fresh tears roll down Stephen's cheeks as he gazes at your spirit.

"What happened? I thought we were..." You start to ask, but stoped yourself.
"Dead? Yeah, you are, but we all wanted the two of you to come back. Sally and I have decided to trade places with you, so you two can have your lives back." Ben says with a bit of a smirk on his face.

"Wait, does that mean that the two of you won't come back?" You ask in shock.
"That's the way things have to be if we want you and Jeff to have your lives back." Ben replies.

"Ben, no, you don't have to do this. Can't the four of us just be ghosts? I know things would be different, but at least we would be all together, right?" Jeff asks.
"Sorry, but Sally and I have made our decision. We want you and Rose to live your life. You deserve to live happily together. Your lives won't be the same if you stay as ghosts. I'm going to miss you dude,but this is your shot at love, and I don't want that chance to be taken away because you and your beloved girlfriend are ghosts.You deserve life. you deserve love, and you have a perfectly good opportunity for both if you let Sally and me go."

And with that, Ben took off his green hat and handed it to Jeff.

"You've been my best friend for as long as I can remember. And I'm grateful that you have stayed my best friend even after my death. You have lost so much Jeff, but after this, I will always be watching over you. Liu and I both. We love you Jeff, and I want you to have my hat as a symbol of our friendship."

And with those words, Ben closes his eyes again and the golden light fades away. After everyone's eyes clear, they see that he is gone. Then little Sally steps

" I love you all so much, and I am going to miss you. Thank you all for taking care of me. Rose, I've always seen you as my mom, or older sister. You are so kind, so sweet, and I hope you continue to be like that for the rest of your life. Umm, Jeff...?" Sally trails off.

Jeff crouches down to Sally's height looking at her expectantly.

"Take care of Rose for me. Oh, and take care of yourself too."

A huge grin appears on his face as he nods.

"You know, you've always been my favorite out of all the dumb boys." Sally whispers in Jeff's ear.

"I love you too, little Sally." He replies as he leans forward and gives her a big hug.

After a few minutes, Jeff releases her. Sally gives one last smile towards Jeff before she turns to you.

"Rose, I want you to look after Charlie for me, ok?" Sally says holding out her brown bear to you.

"I will." You reply, taking the bear and hugging Sally tightly.

Sally gives you and Jeff a kiss on the cheek before disappearing in the same way that Ben did. When she's gone, another flash of golden light illuminates the room. After a few seconds the light disappears and yours and Jeffs spirits are once again back in your bodies, which are still laying on the bed.

"Shit, I can't believe that worked." Jeff exclaims as soon as he gets the breath back in his lungs.

"Y...yes!" Toby cheers as he embraces you and Jeff awkwardly.
"Wait, is Slender...?" You start to ask.
'Destroyed." EJ says, giving you a warm smile.
"S...Stephen saved us all." Toby says patting Stephen on the back proudly.
So, are the rest of you ok?" You ask, kissing the top of Stephen's head.
"Yes, we're all ok now." EJ confirms. "Hey Jeff, are you still going to be a sarcastic asshole?"
"As long as I'm alive, I will be sarcastic."

You and Toby giggle.

"Well, thats always something to look forward to." EJ says.
"So, what do we do now?" You ask.
"Well, it appears that your injuries have completely healed up, but the rest of us should let the two of you rest for a bit anyway." He replies, ushering the other two out of the room before shutting the door behind him.

The pair of you sit in silence for awhile. Jeff begins to speak up first.

"Well, uh, I have to say, Rose you look pretty darn good after coming back from the dead."
"Why thank you Jeff. You don't look too bad yourself. How do you still look so goddamn beautiful?"
"It's a gift. Now, are you going to keep saying pretty words or are you going to shut the fuck up and kiss me?" Jeff says before smashing his lips on yours.

You kiss him back and wrap your arms around his neck. He puts one hand on the back of your head and the other on your waist, making the two of you kiss each other even more passionately.

"I want you." Jeff mumbles against your lips tugging at your dress.
"What do you mean Jeff?"
"I want you. I love you, Rose, you know that right?"
"Yes Jeff, but..."
"Rose, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. We can go slow, I promise. I don't want to take advantage of you, or hurt you. So please, can we try something? Just a little?" Jeff whispers in your ear seductively.
"I want to spend the rest of my life with you to Jeff, but making love is not something that I'm ready for yet."
"Oh, well maybe we can do it later. Maybe when you're ready."
"Yes, when I'm ready. For now though, can we just cuddle and do other simple things like that?"
"Sure, sounds good to me."
"I love you Jeff." You whisper in his ear as he cuddles you.
"I love you too, Rose."
"With all your heart?"
"Of course baby, with all my heart, even if I still have the heart of a killer."

And thus ends the first day of your new lives. Unfortunately, there is a gnu evil lurking in the shadows. It fills your dreams with nightmares. Will the secret you are keeping from Jeff tear you apart? Or, is your love for each other, enough to destroy the new threat. The world may never know, unless they read the sequel of course.

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