pt 14) locker room

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[Y/n's POV]

We all went into the lockeroom knowing Bombay would be pissed. We all sat down and started taking off our pads and jerseys until Bombay comes storming in.

Bombay: 12-1, 12-1, you know what comes to mind when I hear that, pathetic.

Jesse: we tried our best

Juli: yeah, Iceland knew everything about us, and we knew nothing

Bombay: what are you all doing! Put your pads and jerseys back on, we have practice!

Y/n: tonight?!

Bombay: yes tonight! Let's go! On the ice!

We all went out and he kept us on the ice until like 2 in the morning. I could see Adam straining because of his wrist. We didn't get into the locker room until 2:10 am. We got changed and started going back to the dorms around 2:30. I walked along side Adam as we went back all tired.

Y/n:*whispers* hey drop your stuff off and then meet me in the hallway

Adam: * whispers* ok

We went into our rooms to drop our stuff off. I went into my room and set my stuff by my dresser then got in my suitcase and grabbed an ace bandage. I went out and saw Adam coming out of this room.

Adam: so what's up?

We talked quietly.

Y/n: let me see your wrist

Adam: ok

He pulled up his sleeve of his sweatshirt to reveal his now black and blue wrist.

Y/n: dang, are you ok

Adam: yeah, yeah, I'm fine.

Y/n: no your not, but if I'm gonna keep this secret, you have to promise to listen to me

Adam: I promise

Y/n: ok now this may hurt a little, but the pressure will help it heal correctly.

Adam: ok

I gently grabbed his wrist as he winced in pain. I grabbed the ace bandage out of my pocket and started wrapping his wrist.

[Adam's POV]

Y/n and I haven't really talked a lot since we've been on this trip. We've both been off doing our own thing, but she is my best friend, shes been there for me since I joined the ducks. Luis is a lucky guy. She is kind, caring, outspoken, protective, and she is beautiful. I secretly have kind of liked her since we met, but I can't tell her now, she has Luis, and were best friends, and that's good enough for me.

I watched her try her best the be gentle with my wrist while wrapping it. I tried not to make commotion. She had her hair in a low messy bun and as she finished up a piece of hair fell onto her face.

[Y/n's POV]

I finished up wrapping his wrist as a little piece of hair fell onto my face from the poorly made messy bun I had put in my hair.

Y/n: there you go, all set

Adam: thanks y/n.

Y/n: no problem, now, make sure you try to get ice on it when you can

Adam: yes boss

We both laughed. Then we made eye contact and stayed like that for a little bit. Then he took his left hand and tucked the piece of hair that had fallen in my face behind my ear.

Y/n: well we better get to bed

Adam: yeah, that would probably be a good idea, goodnight y/n

Y/n: goodnight Adam

Before going into my room I hugged Adam then we separated into our rooms. Little did I know Luis was watching the whole time.

Heart On Ice|| Luis Mendoza & Adam BanksWhere stories live. Discover now