pt 5) Game day

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[Y/n's POV]

It's game day, the game is supposed to start at 1 and we have to be there at 12:30, but I'm gonna be there at 12. The whole team I already know is going to flip, they've been bugging me to join the team since Charlie was in peewees.


I Have to leave a bit before cause it takes me around five minutes to get there but once I do I put on my gear and hide in a room right outside of the locker room. Once everyone is in the lockeroom, Bombay as well, I come out and wait outside the door.

Bombay: now, you all have been working very hard at practice and I'm proud to announce we have a new member joining us from this came and on. COME ON IN!!!!

I walk in and everyone's jaw either drops or they get a huge smile on there face.

Bombay: Miss. Conway is out newest duck. #17

Adam: took long enough

Guy: your telling me, it took 4 years

We all laugh and I take a seat next to Luis

Luis: *whispers* I knew you'd join eventually

Y/n: *whispers* oh shush

You both giggle and then the whole team goes to the bench, then coach sends out the first few players, which are Luis, Adam, Dean, Fulton, Connie, and Guy. Dean and Fulton are always pushing through people as Adam speeds down the ice and scores us a goal. We made 2 goals and then coach sent out Me, Charlie, Luis, Kenny, Dwayne, and Jesse. We scored 2 more goals and the other team one. That was the end of the first period.

The game ended 12 - 2 we won of course, and I made 5 of the goals, we all went to the lockeroom and changed. The whole team decided to go out for ice cream to celebrate our win, and me joining the team, bit tommorow, team USA is off for LA.

Sorry this is a short chapter y'all, I've been working on get chapters done for the post schedule I put on my tik tok, I'll put a picture of the schedule at the top :) love you all❤️

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