Qibli is chaos. Chaosbli

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Mastermind, to Starflight: The term 'laws of science' implies the existence of science crimes


Willow: You know, you can solve your problems without violence.

Sundew: Okay, but consider: I'm really, really good at violence.


Winter: Nope. Bad idea.

Qibli: There are no bad ideas, Winter. Only good ideas that go horribly wrong.


Glory: You remind me of the ocean.

Tsunami: Because I'm strong and relentless?

Glory: No, because you're full of salt and you scare people.


Qibli: Anything is a salad if you put ranch on it.

Winter: ...You put that bowl of ice cream down so help me-


Qibli: I'm a god.

Turtle: You yelled "shut up" at a thunderstorm and it happened to dissipate. It was purely coincidence. You have no power.

Anemone: Shut it. He's a god.


Fierceteeth: [wing around Strongwings, standing on a particular property] Perfect for a wedding.

Strongwings: I know, right?



Winter: Is crying until 4 AM badass?

Moon: No, it's a clear sign that something is wrong!

Winter: Says you.


HiveWing guard: I was informed that you have pot on you.

Swordtail: Oh, you mean this? [Pulls out flower pot.]

HiveWing guard: Oh, my mistake. What are you growing?

Swordtail: Weed.


Winter: You're a hot mess, you know that?

Kinkajou: At least I'm a FUN hot mess. Like a train crash full of pizza, fireworks, and glitter.


Turtle: I'm a hopeless bromantic, high five me in the rain, fistbump me gently as the sun sets.

Peril: Oh...


Snowfall: I possibly need a hug, but I'd rather DIE than let anyone know that I am a person who desperately craves comfort.


Deathbringer: Being quick and handsome is suuuuch a huge burden. I'm constantly replying to messages about being too hot and if I plan on becoming less hot. The answer is no.


Glory: If you think I'm not petty enough to go to your house at three in the moonsblasted morning just to punch you, you underestimate me.


Qibli: At my age, do you know how I'm statistically most likely to die?

Winter: At the talons of your clawmate?

Qibli: An accident.

Winter: That's how I'm going to make it look.


Foeslayer: I miss those nights that we'd talk for hours about our dreams and our desires, but all that's gone and all that's left is bitterness.

Arctic: You once had me at a point when I would've left the entire world behind for you.

[2000 years later]

Foeslayer: I thought we would last.


Starflight: The last bite of a cookie is technically not the last bite because you don't bite it, you just put it all in your mouth


Tsunami: why are you like this


Turtle: Where were you when my meme only got four likes?!

Qibli: Making four accounts, bro.

Turtle: Bro...


Fathom: How are you feeling?

Indigo, shrugging: Fine, I suppose. I have a headache that comes and goes.

Darkstalker, walking in: Hey, guys!

Indigo: There it is again.


Tsunami: Going to meetings, writing stuff down. You love that nerd stuff.

Starflight: Writing down things is nerdy? What do you do?

Tsunami: Just forget stuff, like a cool person

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