Chapter 2: A New Bulb-y (Vine)

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"So! Who should pick first?"

She was the shortest out of the three of us, harboring a happy attitude for this occasion.

"Well Vine here has always been set on Bulbasaur for her starter." Sandra spoke up. I shrugged.

"I think a lot at night. I've probably had more time to think than the two of you combined." Violet shrugged.

"I think Bulbasaur is pretty okay. Squirtle is the starter that's the cutest to me, though!" Sandra laughed, gaining our attention.

"I'll take Charmander, then." Violet started to wave her hands in the air.

"Y-you can have Squirtle if you want!" Sandra chuckled as she grabbed Charmander's pokeball.

The rest of what those two said was lost in my empty ears. I picked up Bulbasaur's pokeball and started to carefully whisper to it.

"Hey there... I'm... I'm Vinessa... But you can call me Vine. I've been reading a lot about you, ya know... I think we're gonna be the bestest partners out there. And that means... we're gonna make a great team together." I almost didn't notice how quiet it was until Sandra coughed. Violet laughed.

"not if we're better!" She then let Squirtle out of it's pokeball and they smiled at me in unison. "How 'bout a battle, Vine?"

I looked down at Bulbasaur in his pokeball. He nodded his head and I smirked, letting him out as well. 

"First off, it's Vinessa to you. Second of, you're going down!"

Then I fought my first pokemon battle with my first opponent.

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