Chapter 1: Getting Started (Violet)

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"Violet, get up! You're gonna be late!" Tina was dressed and picking out clothes for me to wear at my starter selection.

"Late for what?" I mumbled. That's when she loomed over me.

"Someone's gonna beat you to squirtle. And it might just be me for the heck of it." That got me out of bed. I shouted "no" and began to undress to get dress right there. Tina rushed out, closing the door behind her.

Two minutes later, I was grabbing my hat and bag while going out the door. Tina was already waiting for me outside so we just started to walk.

"Are you excited? I know I am! Who are you gonna choose, Tina?" I was full of so much energy. Tina sighed, smiling.

"Violet, I already told you. I'm not taking a starter this year, remember?" Oh yeah...

The professor had told us about only having three available types for us, and that she could get one more, but it would take a while to arrive here in the Mespo region. Tina was the one who stepped down, saying she wanted to wait a bit.

"Oh... well, if you were to choose one, which would it be?" Tina thought for a moment, taking her time.

"Charmander. I remember reading an article written by a professor in the Kalos region about it's mega evolution having two forms. I wanna do research on that..."

Not before too long, we arrived at where two other trainers were standing outside. They saw us and I waved at them. One of them waved back as we were walking up the stairs. All four of us started to talk as the professor let us in. She brought us to the room where the starters were being kept.

"Tina, can you come with me so we can talk?" Tina nodded her head and walked with the professor. "I'll leave you three to it!" They left and I turned to the other two.

"So! Who should pick first?"

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