"Keiko!" Mina grabbed the ravenette's arms and tried restraining the fuming girl. "Let's not make a scene in front of the cameras."

"I'll paint this whole stadium with their blood!" She seethed, pulling her arms free and making her way to the perverts, who were cowering away with a lot of red on their faces.

With the costume, Keiko's figure was shown, from her curves to her legs. Even when she had a demonic expression on, she was still quite attractive.

Jirou also threw her pom-poms on the ground and hugged her body. "We can do it later Keiko. The lesser witnesses, the better."

Keiko took a deep breath to regain her composure. She looked down on her hands and frowned when she saw that they were glowing.

Dammit... I let my emotions get the best of me... she thought, taking another round of oxygen to calm down. The glow faded, but that didn't mean that Keiko's worry also went with it.

"Time for a fun recreational competition!" On the screen, brackets were shown with sixteen slots at the bottom.

Keiko smirked to herself. I was right... it's time to show the world how well I can do on my own.

Bring. It. On.


Keiko strayed away from the stadium once the pairings were determined. She wasn't really in the mood to watch the others do their thing when she could use the time to collect her thoughts and strategize.

She found herself in a clump of trees that blocked the rays of light with its leaves. A perfect spot to be alone.

For the first match of the final part of the sports festival, she was against Tenya Iida.

As she leaned back on the trunk of a tree with her uniform back on, she thought of a strategy.

The ravenette discovered that Iida drank some serious women respect juice everyday when he started scolding Kaminari and Mineta repeatedly after the stunt they pulled.

There was a possibility that he would also hold back on her because she was a girl.

Though she didn't like it when her opponents treat her like a weakling, she could use it to her advantage and end the match quickly.

But, in order for Iida to have his time to show the pros what he got in store, she'll have to prolong the fight.

Keiko wasn't a meanie. She'll let Iida shine.

After him, she'd go against either Kaminari or a girl named Shiozaki.

Her train of thought broke as she looked up at the sky, thinking about something else. A week ago, she would've been in a normal school, learning normal stuff in normal subjects.

Did she think for even a second that she would go to a hero school, more or less UA?

Of course, no.

Yet here she was, pondering her next move as she listened to the commentary of the extra event.

She was surprised that no one connected the dots to the USJ and her.

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