New Man

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Anna comes home exhausted after her first day. She signed the contract quickly because the pay was pretty decent. She was already friends with the bartender and she was given night shifts.

She was happy that she could do another job in the day.

She checks the time, it's 7:00 am. She decides to sleep till 12 noon and go for another job hunting. So, after making breakfast for Jenny and wishing her luck for her test, she goes to bed.

Waking up at 1:00 pm, she takes a quick shower and heads out. After going from one place to another she finally comes across a notice board outside a Library. They need helpers. The pay isn't good but it's sufficient. 'Better than nothing.' She thinks.

She knows nothing about books but she is a quick learner so it's no big deal.

She applies, and gets the job instantly because they didn't have much candidates anyways.

She starts working right away and is pleased with the quiet atmosphere. Both of her jobs are equally opposite of each other but she knows she'll manage both.

"Excuse me, miss." A girl approaches her. She looks at Anna's batch with 'staff' written on it and sighs in relief. "Glad I found someone." She shows her a book. "I want it's second part but I can't find where I picked it up from."

She looks at the book but she's as clueless as the girl. "Um... Actually..."

"You'll find it in section B6 on the 3rd rack." A man comes out of nowhere and gives the girl a little smile.

"Oh, okay. Thanks a ton." She leaves.

Anna looks at the man and blushes on how handsome he is. His eyes are dark brown that match his hair. He's wearing a full sleeve black turtle neck with mustard pants and blazer. He look... expensive. His hairstyle, his watch, his shoes, everything screams rich.

'He's so out of my league.' Anna thinks.

"You're a new recruit, right?"

"Yes. I just joined. Thanks for your help."

He smiles and takes out his hand. "I'm Jackson."

She takes his hand in a firm handshake. "Anna."

Both smile at one another.

"You must be a regular, to know so much about the place." Anna asks.

He shrugs. "I can show you around as well if you like?"

Anna nods. "That'd be amazing and a huge help, Jackson."

He grins and motions her to follow him.

She does.

Jackson shows her all the sections of the Library and explains everything as if their roles were reversed. He looked more like a staff member than she did. But she was grateful to him.

"My shift will end soon. How about I buy you a coffee? You really helped me a lot today." Anna asks, unsure of his response.

He hesitates for a minute, but then gives in.

"Alright. I'll wait here."

She finishes her work quickly and they go to the coffee shop right across the street. They order their coffees and take seats near the window.

Anna looks out and watches the sky as it darkens.

"So, tell me more about you, Anna." He asks.

She bites her lower lip. What should she say? That she's a broke bitch who works in a bar at night? What will he think?

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