Chapter 3

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I notice as we walk downhill ,Luca gives me these wicked stares. Hey,if looks could kill,I would be ten feet under ground.

" So,Y/N ,how old are you?" Guilia asks as we enter the house " Well,I am currently 18,but I am going to be turning 19 soon" I say as we enter the kitchen.

I look down and see that Alberto and I  are still holding hands,and I blush as I losing my hand at his grip.

" Y/N ,is it ok if Luca and I go take your vespa for a spin?" Alberto asks and looks at me with his puppy dog eyes.

" Of course,but Alberto" I say,putting my hands on his shoulders " If you break me vespa,boy,your gonna pay!" I dramatically say while looking him in the eye

" You can count on me " Alberto says while he puts his hand on his heart

" Come on ,Luca! I wanna show you some new things. And we can finally ride on the vespa we dreamed of as kids!" Alberto excitedly says as he pulls Luca behind him out of the house.

That only left Guilia and me in the kitchen.

" So,what do you want to do?" Guilia asks while looking with a smirk on her face at me.

" We could go swimming. " I shrug while I go to the fridge and pull out a glass of milk.

" ~~~Or you could tell me if Alberto is your crush~~~" Giulia says with this creepy cat smile.

As the words left her mouth,I almost spit out all of my milk

" Ha ha very funny Guilia,I don't have a crush on Alberto" I nervously chuckle as I feel the blush creep onto my face

" Yes you do!" Guilia answers with a 'isn't it obvious ' face

" It's not like I lay awake at night and think about him and watch him while he sleeps"


I am in bed,thinking about some of the  fun things I did today. But mostly,I was thinking about Alberto

Then I get up and look at Alberto as he is peacefully sleeping

Flashback ends

" Let's go outside " I suggest and Guilia nodds.

Then both of us walk to the townsquare and watch the children play

With just sitting a little while,I hear beeping in the distance and see Ercole coming towards us.

I never met this guy face-to-face before,but Alberto had warned me to stay as far as possibly away from him.

I hear Guilia cringe as Ercole rides towards us " Finally decided to came back home,little worm" Ercole looks at Guilia disgusted, like she was something smeered to his shoe.

" And you" Ercole has and looks at me. I bite my lip and with the back of my hand,I put my hair behind my ears

Eecole looks me up and down,then he says " Pretty one"

" At least I am pretty,not like your but ugly face" I spat the words at him.

" A little firecracker you are" Ercole says and winks at me. I was totally disgusted.

Eecole got off his vespa and started walking towards me. " Ercole, leave Y/N alone " Guilia says ,but Ercole ignores het and continues to walk to me.

" Run Guilia!" I yell and start to run away brfore Ercole can pin me against the wall.

As fast as my dear legs could carry me,I run to the docks with Guilia not far behind.

" That Ercole is a jerk" I angrily say while looking at the sea.

" Ya,but don't worry N/N. We won't let him do any funny business but you.

Guilia's pov

I only knew Y/N for about a few hours,but I have s strong liking towards her.

" Someone once tried to do that to me.." Y/N says softly, sitting down on the dock,dangling her feet in the water.

I go sit beside her,embracing her in a warm hugg " Don't worry. I will do everything in my power to protect you."

Timeskip to later that day. It is afternoon and the 4 teenangers had decided to go for a walk on the beach

Luca's POV

I angrily look at Alberto and Y/N. Alberto was holding her hand and telling us about something.

But I wasn't listening

I was scared. But if I lose my friend ? Only to a girl?

" I think Luca and I should go" Guilia says and begins to pull me away

" Guilia,what de heck?" I ask her as we stop  a little while later. " I think Alberto is going to pop the question! " Guilia squels and pulls me with her into a bush


Me and Alberto go sit on the sand. I gaze into horizon,just as the sun is setting, making a beautiful scene.

" The sunset is beautiful, isn't it Alberto? " I ask with a sigh,still looking at Mother Nature's painting.

" Si,but not as beautiful as you" Alberto says with a sigh

I look wide-eyed at him as the words left his mouth.

Did he just call me beautiful?

Alberto looks at me,his face as red as a blush could get.

" You know what " I say ,sitting closer to him and gazing into his eyes.

" What?" Alberto asks,also staring at my E/C eyes.

" I" I confess while feeling a blush creep onto my face.

Alberto then puts his hand on my cheek,pulling my face closer to his.
I close my eyes as I feel our lips touch.

My whole body melts through our kiss. I place my hands around his neck.

After a good few minutes, I hear Guilia scream" Yasss I knew you two liked each other!"

We let go of our kiss and look in the direction the voice was coming.

Guilia was standing in a bush,jumping up and down while squealing. Beside her was a starstruk Luca.

Then  you could only hear Alberto's voice screaming furious " GIULIA!!"

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