Chapter 1

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Hey guys so this is the first chapter of my new book and I hope you will like it.....


Jin was currently sitting in a private room in a nearby cafe waiting for his best friend. He has been in here for almost one hour now and little by little he was loosing his patience while waiting for his friend.

He couldn't wait more, so he decided to call his friend... He took the phone and dialled his number, it started ringing but no answer.... Just when Jin tried to end the call, he could hear a sleepy voice from the other end.

"Hello... "
"Yah..... You punk..... Are you still in bed? You pabo, don't tell me that you forgot about the meeting.... " Jin started to yell through the phone.

"Aish.... Jinnie... Please for God's sake stop your yelling and let me sleep for 20 minutes... " Jimin said from the other line followed by a groan.

"20 minutes my ass Jimin... I've been here for an entire hour now... Whatever, I don't care whether you sleep or not I will give you God damn 20 minutes to come here and listen you lazy head, if you don't come here our friendship is over... " Jin again yelled to the phone and ended the call without giving Jimin a chance to speak.

Actually Jin was not angry with Jimin, but at the moment he really needed Jimin to relieve his mind and his stress. Jin was nearly loosing his mind thinking about his father's bullshit company. He hates that company.

Once it was a very successful company but now due to his father's own stupid ideas the whole company is in gutter and they needed money or at least a strong investor to make the company stable.

But Jin's problem is not that, he really don't care about that company... The problem is that now Jin is forced to be the CEO of the company because that stupid elder brother of him does not want to be a CEO.

Jin always dreamt of becoming a chef and opening his own restaurant, so after graduating from college he said his father his idea but, Mr. Kim being Mr. Kim didn't give permission to him. And now his father threatens him to take the company so he wanted to meet Jimin and clear his mind.

On the other hand Jimin threw his phone to the other side of the bed and woke up with a groan... "Kim fucking Seokjin... I swear to God if you ever disturb me again in my sleep I'm going to kill you when you are sleeping... " Jimin gritted his teeth and started to whine.

" 'I will give you 20 minutes...' Are you kidding me Jin? 20 minutes... Really! Hah.... Sometimes I can't believe you... Did you think I'm Usain Bolt or something to arrive there in 20 minutes.... " Jimin scoffed and mocked his own best friend and walked into the bathroom.


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Jungkook was on his way to the company. He was in his car scrolling through the newsfeed. After few minutes he came to the company. He could see his best friend, who is also his assistant waiting near the elevator holding a coffee cup.

"Tae... What is my schedule today..? " Jungkook asked even without greeting him.

"Oh.. Well... Good morning to you too Mr. Jeon Jungkook " Taehyung said emphasising the Jeon Jungkook part.

Jungkook just raised an eye brow and give him "are you serious Tae " look.
"Kook... Here listen... Every morning you come here as a grumpy old man and start doing your stupid company work... God at least can't you just smile...? " Tae asked

"Tae... For God's sake stop whining... Aish... I can't believe I made you as my assistant.. If you were not my best friend I would have kicked your bratty ass off my company.. " Jungkook said with smirk.

"Good for you mister... Hah.. Yah.... Do you think that any other human being other than me can resist your arrogant stupid behavior" Tae scoffed.

Jungkook decided not to comment on that, part of what Tae said was correct... When  Jungkook was in college he was a carefree, very easygoing and funny person... But after his father's death and becoming the CEO of the biggest company in South Korea he had to change his personality. He had to become professional... And by meaning becoming professional he couldn't goof around now. But Tae doesn't seem to understand that.

After some time both the males came inside jungkook's cabin. "Kook, you have a meeting with Mr. Lee in half an hour and after that you have to sign the new contract with Mr. Oh and some other minor business matters... " Tae said in a serious professional tone. Though Taehyung always likes to goof around, but when it comes to business he is always serious and professional.

"Thanks Tae... " Jungkook said and his phone rang, he looked at the id and it was his mother "Kook, I will go to my cabin then... If you want anything call me " Taehyung said and went out.

"Hello mom... "

"Jugkookie... My baby... How is everything? "
"I'm fine mom"

"Kook-ah I called you to inform you that we have an important dinner today and don't you dare to miss it... " Mrs. Jeon said in a strict voice.

"But mom- " Jungkook tried to explain

"No buts, 6.30 pm at 'Hotel Bliss' " with that Mrs. Jeon ended the call.
"Arrghhh... Mom.... Why are you doing this to me... " Jungkook pulled his hair in frustration and leaned his head on his chair and closed his eyes.

End of the chapter 1 and hope you all like it....
Thank you for reading❤❤❤

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