When the Agents were introduced it was suggested that they all have dinner together. This way they can all get to know each other and it will help when planning out how to go about the mission if everyone knew everyone. Nat thought that it was smart and she also said that everyone should train together in the morning so we can see each other's strengths and weaknesses.  Everyone was happy with this and so that's what happened.

Tony had graciously ordered and paid for Chinese takeout. After dinner and everyone had helped clean up. The agents had started to say goodbye and that they would return at 7 in the morning to start training.  But the Avengers weren't having it they said that there was a few spare rooms open and that they were all welcome to stay the night. 

"That is mighty kind of you all but we don't want to overstay our welcome and Tony paying for our food was really enough, we couldn't ask for more," the one agent named Harper said.

"Yes, Harper is right. You all have been so kind to us already we can't ask for more," added Liam. 

"Well then, it is a good thing you are not asking but we are offering," Steve smiled back.

"Yes, we are offering," Tony jumped in. "But two of you will have to share a room. Sadly we only have six spare rooms set up for guests right now. We had more but they got converted into something else like Steve's art studio and Loki's and Wanda's magic practicing rooms."

"Oh, (y/bf/n) and I would be sharing a room even if you had enough rooms for each of us to have two rooms," (y/n) laughed.

"Okay, why," Bucky questioned.

"Why wouldn't we share," (y/bf/n) responded. "Why wouldn't my girlfriend and I share a room? Is that not what couples in happy and healthy relationships do?"

"Babe, don't be a dick. They probably didn't realize you and I are dating. I mean we are not big into PDA and we didn't exactly introduce ourselves as a couple when we met them."

"Wait, you two are dating? How do you handle that? I mean that seems like a lot of work dating a co-worker."

"Right, Sam, it can be but the work is worth it if you love the person enough and I love (y/n)."

"I love you too, Babe," (y/n) yawned. 

"Okay enough relationship talk, for now, everyone is getting tired. Tony are those spare rooms still on the table," Dave asked politely.

"Of course, Nat would you mind showing them to the rooms please?"

"No problem. Follow me please."

With their final goodnights said, everyone went to their rooms to sleep. All except four of them. They just laid there in their beds looking up at the ceiling.

Tony and Steve both thinking the same thing. Dating anyone would always make them worry and make them stress over their safety. That is just who they are but with someone in the work they do. The dangerous work they do. Is it worth the extra stress and worry? That they would have to figure out.

Sam was thinking about how he was thinking about Bucky when he had asked the question about dating a co-worker. He figured he should have been thinking of Steve and Tony and how they loved each other dearly but did nothing about it simply because they worked together and they were worried about how it would affect them in the field. But nope his mind went to Bucky. The man that had been invading his mind for the last few weeks. The man that he at one time wanted nothing to do with, only doing what Steve wanted him to do. He was wondering as to why he filled his brain. Why it didn't matter how much he tried not to he was thinking about Bucky. About how good Bucky looked with his long hair in a man bun, about how beautiful his smile is, about how surprisingly gentle he is when around small things like kittens and puppies, about how good he smells, and about how much he just wants to hold him and protect him from the world that has been so cruel to him.  Sam thought about this all night until he drifted off to sleep. Refusing to believe he had grown to love the man he once wanted to punch in the face every time he saw him.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Sep 05, 2021 ⏰

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