Prologue (Welcome)

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Bakugo: "YOU WANT TO GO! YOU AIN'T NO GOD!!! YOU JUST TRYING TO SCARE US!!!" In an instant, before anyone could relax, Slayer was in front of Bakugo floating in the air, crisscross looking at him with a devilish smile.

Slayer: "Scare...oh my dear Kucchan, trust me what I can do more than just scare you with a flick of my finger I could destroy this school and you without a care in the world...oh better about I make you quirkless. Then you can take a swan dive off the roof and pray for a better quirk in the next life."

Bakugou and Izuku both flinched at that statement. Bakugo growls.

Bakugo: "How do you know that?"

Slayer: begin to laugh and float up a bit. "Oh, Bakugo it like I said..." had more of a darker look face. "I know everything, about y'all so don't think you're safe as long I'm around. Now to answer your question, Miss Princess." Pointing to Momo.

Momo: "Miss Princess...?"

Slayer: "You see in this world y'all have something called Quirk so by this universe you can call my Quirk...God gift...but unlike y'all I have no drawbacks." Everyone became more shocked by this, and Izuku raised his hand. "Izuku please put your hand down. I like you little dude. I'm not about to answer over 50 questions."

Izuku: Put his hand down nervously chuckled "S-Sorry."

Slayer: "It alright you little Green Cinnamons roll your soul is too pure but will get to that later."

Izuku: "So, you said you don't come to kill any of us? So you're not a villain but you're not a hero?"

Slayer: "Nope, you know what before we go in further let's change things up first. Let's go to the theatre." he snapped his fingers.

Izuku: "Wait what-"

The next thing that happens is a bright flash, and the entire Class falls into something very soft...they all look around and see there in a theatre.

Ashido: "We're in a theatre now?"

Mic: "Eraserhead what is going on here?"

Eraserhead: "Some random guy appears in my class and teleports us here; he supposedly has a quirk that gives him god-like ability."

All-Might: "What? How is that possible?"

Slayer: "Well it's simple, I'm not fully affected by the rules that govern this world." He appears beside All might. All might was startled and spit some blood out. "Your ok old man."

All-Might: 'old man?' Slayer made a napkin appear and handed it to All might. "Thank you, I'm guessing you're the one who teleports us here?"

Slayer: "ding, ding, All might that was my doing, now I'm sure some of you have some question mainly the teacher so before I answer I answer some of your question I need a teleport a few more. Sooo" Slayer snaps his finger, and Class 1-B with Vlad King appears.

Vlad King: "Where are we?!?"

Monoma: "Class 1-A trash!"

Slayer: "Ok let's calm down a bit everyone."

Rin: "Who are you?"

Slayer: "Like I Told Class 1-A I'm the person who brought you here now I need you to hang on while I bring some others." He snaps his fingers, and The Wild Wild Pussycats, Kota, The Big Three, and Eri appear.

Mirio: "HUH?! Where are we? How did we get here?!"

Slayer: raising his hand guilty as charged" Chuckling a bit.

Nejire: "Are you a villain?" tilting her head to the side.

Slayer: "No my Blue fairy I'm not a villain you don't have to worry I will not hurt any of you...That includes mister Boom Boom." Looking at Bakugou. Who just growls. Some of the others there were trying super hard not to laugh at that nickname.

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