"I think we should personally leave tonight. We can get there early enough to be back by nightfall."

Jackson laughed she was always so ready to go and solve a mystery. She was right leaving tonight would be better and they could indeed be back before the sunset again. But there was something he wanted to check on before they left. Jensen let him know the man who sent word to him was sitting behind a prison wall waiting to be released. He was hoping there was a reward for the information and would have money when he was released. The thing was he did not want Paysley anywhere near a prison. It was a dirty disgusting place he would never let her go to no matter where her investigation led.

"I have some business to do in the morning so I can not leave tonight. I am truly sorry but I am sure I can make it up to you on the ride to Dartford."

She had a very seductive smile on her face. What could be the girl thinking about other than kissing? She had a lot of liberal thoughts for a woman. Not to say he would not enjoy sharing all those things she always talked about doing with him. He was kind of excited to have someone who was as free-thinking as Paysley. Jackson went home to get a couple of hours of sleep before he went to prison.

Upon his arrival at the prison, he met with the warden to find out about the man who he was to meet. To his surprise, the warden spoke highly of him.

"I believe Ryan is being honest with his confession. I do not say this about anyone that has been incarcerated before but he has found the lord and is turning over a new page. I have talked with the clergymen and he feels he is being genuine. That is the only reason I sent the message to the home office. I truly believe him."

"May I speak with him and judge for me. Was he promised anything for his confession?"

"He was not promised anything. He is getting out soon and he is going off to a monastery to reflect and repent. He asked for nothing but your ear your Grace."

The prisoner was brought into the wardens' office so the Duke and the prisoner could talk privately. Jackson summed up the man who walked into the office. He was not a big man he was tall but he did not think he could be more than seven stones. His hair was graying at the temples. Overall he looked like someone who was down on his luck, not a man who had taken two babies and sold them. The man waited to be invited to sit and did so as soon as Jackson motioned for him to take a seat.

"I have been told you want to confess to taking of the Viscount's twins?"

"Not exactly your Grace. I did not take them I was given them."

"Who gave them to you?"

"A woman gave them to me. Telling me to do what I wanted with them she did not care she just wanted them gone."

"Can you describe this woman?"

"She was very beautiful I could tell that even with the steps she took to disguise herself. You could tell she came from money. Her rags were high quality."

"Her rags?"

"Yes your Grace. It looked as if she had taken an older fashion dress and soiled it with dirt and grime to make it look worn. But there was no mistaking the quality of the gown. "

"Do you know who the lady was?"

"I picked up the babies outside a townhouse outside London. It was a different place than I picked up the last child from her. I picked her up at an uptown townhouse in the rich merchant area of London. This time it was a little place outside London where the rich and noble lived."

"What did she offer you for your taking the children?"

"The first time she gave me fifty pounds and the second she gave me a hundred because there were two."

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