The Coffins

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Astrid opened her eyes only to find no one next to her, but her anxiety died down when the en suite bathroom door opened to reveal Klaus with a towel wrapped around his waist. She smiled at him, sitting up before an old witch house flashed through her mind, with six coffins. They contained Kol, Finn, Elijah, Esther, Erik and the youngest, Henrik.

"Nik. I found the coffins. They're at the witch house." She spoke softly, looking up at him. "You are brilliant." Klaus said to her, now fully clothed, before peppering kisses all over her face.    "Time to get our family back."

Astrid and Klaus sent a hybrid to retrieve their six missing coffins but after an hour with no return, they knew exactly what had happened. The Salvatore Brothers had happened.

Astrid looked down at Rebekah's daggered body and smiled sadly, "Sweet Dreams Bekah." Before she closed the lid gently as she felt Nik's presence behind her and instructed a hybrid to take her to what would be her room in the mansion.

"I'm surprised you're still in town. We granted you your freedom, you could've gone anywhere you please." Astrid called out, glaring at the sandy-haired vampire. "I live here."   "Well, if we're playing this game, then, uh, we were here first."    "You know...I don't like your hybrid friends. They're everywhere. Kind of like fleas."    "You say that as if you're not standing here." Astrid remarked drinking the rest of her wine.

"This isn't funny to me. I want them gone." Stefan responded, unamused. "Well, I kind of like having them around...You know, I'm hurt. I hoped that...I'd free you and we'd pick up where we left off. But here you are...guzzling vervain like the rest of them, I'm sure. So much for friendship"

"Well, friends don't strip friends of their free will." He retorted.  "Granted, that was extreme. But, that's how we get sometimes. Mad when people are...dishonest, let's say. Just ask the family. Isn't time you handed them over, Stefan?"   "Get your hybrids out of Mystic Falls or I will remove them myself."   "Hm, see, if you continue to threaten us, then we'll be forced to retaliate. Kill people. And it'll get messy again." Klaus told his old friend in what seemed like a calm voice but in reality, anger was rising quickly in the Original Hybrid.   "Do whatever you want. I don't really care. Or, you know what, maybe I do. Maybe I care so much, that I drop Elijah in the Arctic." He once again threatened to which Klaus shrugged, "Well, maybe I'd be willing to lose one brother if it meant killing yours."   "Try me. Let's find out."  The two male vampires were having a stare-off making Astrid pinch the bridge of her nose at the toxic masculinity in the air at the moment.

Mindy, one of the hybrids walked into the room protectively as an effect of the sire bond and asked, "Is everything ok?"   "Everything's fine, Mindy. Stefan was just leaving after failing to make his point." Klaus remarked smugly towards Stefan, who tilted his head almost mockingly before swiftly grabbing a saw from the table and decapitating Mindy using his enhanced speed, turning back to the Originals. "Well, one down. You may want to, uh, send the rest of them away before it gets messy...again." He smirked, walking out dramatically leaving them to deal with the body.

After cleaning the body up, another hybrid walked up to them, the deceased's head in a wrapped cloth. "What do you want me to do with her head?"   "Well it's not like we want to keep it. Burn it...Just get rid of the damn thing." Astrid breathed, getting annoyed with everything. Then Tyler Lockwood walked in, increasing her annoyance. "You called? I'm here. What happened?" He questioned, taking notice of the blood on the floor.   "Stefan had two paths in front of him. He chose the one that made me angry. I need you to help me do something."   "Can't you just leave me out of it?" He asked, almost pleading, sounding bored. Which Astrid didn't blame him for, but Stefan needed to learn not to mess with Astrid Mikaelson. She wanted to make him hurt. Which was difficult to do with his humanity off, but there were ways to cause pain to the people around him.

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