Chapter Five: Jealousy

Start from the beginning

"Uh... Hermione..." Ron mumbled, starting to wake up.

Y/N looked to his friend with a confused expression before turning to look at his girlfriend who had the same expression on her face.

"Hermione..." Ron whispered over and over.

Ginny looked towards Y/N with a concerned look, knowing that her brother had some harbored feelings for the red-eyed boy's girlfriend.

Lavender ran away, sobbing as Hermione tightened her grip on Y/N's hand.

"Oh, to be young, and to feel love's keen sting." Dumbledore said, breaking their silence.

"Well, come away everybody. Mr. Weasley is well tended."

The professors walked out, leaving the students to tend to their friend. Harry took a seat next to Ginny, watching the couple anxiously as Ron whispered Hermione's name, tossing and turning in his sleep.

Hermione looked towards Y/N who stared at Ron, lost in his thoughts. Tightening her grip, she opened her mouth to say something but quickly closed it again, unsure of what words to use.

"Please... never fall in love again." Y/N whispered softly, looking to the floor.

Y/N felt Hermione's hands on his cheeks pulling him to face her.

"I won't. I promise. I'm yours. Now and forever." Hermione reassured.

She placed a soft kiss onto his lips, ignoring the presence of Harry and Ginny.

"Our love has no ending."


"Stop it, Ron. You're making it snow." Hermione scolded as Ron's emotions made his magic go wild.

Y/N dusted the snow that fell on his head while Harry cleared the table. The quartet now sat in the great hall. Ron had opted to sit next to Hermione, leaving Y/N to sit next to Harry, opposite Hermione.

"Tell me how I broke up with Lavender again." Ron asked innocently, turning his head towards Hermione.

Y/N tried not to let his jealousy cloud his mind, instead he focused on a fictional book that Hermione had recommended to him.

"Um, well..." Hermione started, looking to Harry for help.

Harry lifted his head from his book and shrugged before turning his attention to Y/N who he had considered a younger brother now. With Y/N's birthday being exactly on the 1st of September, he was younger than the rest of the group by a few months. His birthday had been found out by Dumbledore when he searched the village for any information.

Y/N furrowed his eyebrows. He trusted Hermione, really he did but having absolutely no one to look after him during his younger years, he was scared of being abandoned. He didn't want to lose his girlfriend and one of his best friends.

"She came to visit you in the hospital." Hermione continued.

"And you talked..." She tailed off, looking towards her boyfriend with worry lacing her expression.

"I don't believe it was a particularly long conversation..." Hermione said, not wanting to be reminded of him calling out to her.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm bloody thrilled to be shot of her." Ron admitted, lowering his voice.

"It's just, she seems a bit put out..."

They all turned to look towards Lavender who stared back at them with a frown. She held her spoon tightly, shaking at the sight of Ron.

Hand Over Hand (Hermione Granger x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now