Chapter 5 - Misguided Ghosts

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Charlotte pov

I heard Chris tossing and turning on the sofa in the front room and instantly felt bad. He didn't have to take the sofa. This was his flat, I was only a guest, he should of let me sleep in the front room. But no, instead I'm lying in his bed wearing one of his shirts. If this was under any other circumstances I would be fangirling like mad right now. I mean, right at this very moment I'm sleeping in Chris Miller's bed wearing one of his shirts...a Sixers dream. Maybe not everyone's but it sure was mine.

But this was...different. He'd seen me at my weakest. Most vunerable. I was scared about what he would think so I didn't speak. I couldn't speak apart from the odd word or two about Chris being able to find me. I still couldn't get my head around it. I mean if I don't want to be found, then I'm not, but yet he managed it. The only one to ever find , e when I don't wanna be found....

I liked that I was now friends witht the boys, they were a laugh and right now that's what I really needed at the moment. Max was just a ten year old at heart...a ten year old dizzy on lemonade, but he was a hilarious dizzy on lemonade ten year old. Josh was actually really nice, not that I'd expected him to be any different. He was just...nice, the only way I can really explain it. Matt lived for chicken...and teasing me at every chance he got. He had a really nice personality though. Dan...I really don't know about Dan. He seemed really nice but he kept giving me death stares all night and it was really intimidating.

Last but by no means least, Chris. Chris. Christopher Miller. He took my breath away. There are no other words that would do this feeling justice. He simply took my breath away with everything he said and did. In my experience people are cruel and harsh, but he was just simply amazing. I kept expecting to wake up. I kept thinking that this was all just a cruel trick my mind decided to play on me. But I was realizing now that it wasn't and isn't. It's real and right now I'm lying in Chris Miller's flat on Chris Miller's bed.

I faintly heard the door to the bedroom creak open. I had no idea was Chris was doing so I decoded to pretend to be asleep. He stood in the doorway for a few moments before coming and sitting in the small brown armchair right by the bed.

Okay so this is creepy. Is he planning on watching me 'sleep' all night long or what? If I so much as moved he would notice that I wasn't actually asleep.

I stayed completely still for a few moments until I heard him mumbling to himself. He was so quiet that I omly caught the odd word or two.

"Amazing....amazing....intoxicating..." Hadn't I called him intoxicating only a few hours before? Maybe he'd heard me...

I realised he had stopped talking for a moment and I stole a caution glance at him through my eyelashes. He was staring at the floor with a pained expression on his face. As if he was debating something in his head. Suddenly he glanced back up to me so I clenched my eyes shut and prayed to god that he didn't see me lookig at him.

I waited with baited breath for a few moments until I heard him mumble again. I had to suppress a relieved sigh. Thank god he hadn't seen me, how would I explain....what did I need to explain? He was the one staring at me in the middle.

I pulled muself out my thoughts and zoned back in on Chris's voice. And oh boy was that one of the craziest moments in my entire life so far.

"I-I-I love you..." He what? He loves me...? He loves...? No he can't.

I gasped as my eyes flew open and found Chris looking at me with utter confusion and then horror as it finally dawned on him that I had heard him. His eye's dropped to the floor as if he was ashamed of apparently loving me.

'Why wouldn't he be ashamed?! You're stupid, pathetic, worthless and no one loves you, so why should he?!' Oh fuck.

'Belle fuck off, not now!' My thoughts screamed at her.

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