vii. I sink

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I am surrounded by your waters,
The boundless blue simultaneously keeping my afloat and suffocating me,
My head is above the water,
And I fight with all my might to keep it like that.

A siren luring me to my untimely demise,
Voice seducing me,
Voice serenading me,
As you take me under.

A mere fish hooked by your hunting rod,
Captured and taken,
I willingly go,
Wanting to leave all I know,
As none of it matters anyone.

Even Merlin himself is placed after you in levels of sorcery,
As when you spell others,
They cannot even comprehend that you are.

You simply just draw people in,
Hold them close,
And then thrust them away from you,
As if they suddenly do not matter,
As if I do not matter.

I struggle,
As the water blankets my forehead,
Comforting yet cold,
Just like you.

I let go,
And I go.

I sink,
I sink,
I sink.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2021 ⏰

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