*WIN* The face in the mirror

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When they looked in the mirror, they were unprepared to find a different face gazing back at them. The prince stumbled back, shock marked his face. Not her. She didn't move an inch. Because she was oh so familiar with my blue eyes, my red cheeks. Even the lines in my face, the ones I desperately hid from the world. She even knew those. Not just knew, she studied my imperfections, memorised them. Dug them deeper.

I have always been jealous of her beauty, yes, it's true. Her pale skin, smooth and flawless like fresh fallen snow in a meadow. Her lips, soft and perfectly coloured. Her youth. Snow White. The perfect, beautiful daughter of the king. But that my people thought I would be willing to kill for it? It pains me. I have given so much for my subjects, cared so deeply. And there was so much left  to be done and to be solved. Nothing that can be done now, not anymore. From behind the mirror.

I smile at her. I forgive her. Hope she will choose another path, do something good with her life. Her eyes - the only thing that don't hold her pretentious innocence, if you are willing to see it - light up with astonishment. For a tiny moment, my hope builds. Then her eyes squeeze together, her lips to a thin line.

I can only watch, how she grabs the hand of her conquered prince and leads him down the stairs. She signals to one of the servants, waiting loyally on the side of the ballroom. While her arm is up in the air, I catch a glimpse of the dripping red dagger on her side.

The glass breaks.


This short story (or flash fiction) is written for the contest organised by Wattpad / yafantasy; Rewind the Classics 2021. It's based on Snow White & won the contest in my category! I hope you enjoyed it.

For the Dutch people here; I wrote a book based slightly on Peter Pan, 100.000 words long... At least you don't have to be bored for a while ;). It's written in Dutch.

Be kind for the person in the mirror! You deserve all the good that is waiting for you <3

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