I always answer you

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17.03.021 22:02

She sits down
in the middle of nowhere
surrounded by nothing but
dark and lights
she looks up and she asks
lifes biggest question
wishing she could scream it
in stead of the careful whisper
that escapes her
oh, my dear
someone answers her
when she looks up, she realizes
it's not someone
but something
the stars answered
why am i not surprised
to hear you speak?
she asks
My dear,
the star answers
I always answer you
but you always forget
followed with a sigh
will you tell me why?
My dear, I have told you many times
but will tell you again
There is no answer to why
we can only know what
and act on how
I tried to tell you today
but you couldn't hear me
why couldn't I?
My dear, you only hear me
when you ask
but most of all
when you listen
and she felt the star smiling
I'm scared
She said
she didn't need to tell why
My dear, I know
and a tear fell down
leading in a light
leaving a stroke of itself
Will you be there tomorrow?
My dear, of course I will be
I have always been
and will always be
My wish is only that you knew
in those moments you wonder
the girl smiled
for something about having a star
looking out for her tomorrow
made tomorrow
a bit brighter 

For all the Dutch readers, this short story/poem was inspired by the third chapter in the book "Nooit zal ik buigen" by SylvieThoughts . It's really worth reading! This is the link:


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