Tessa waved the bartender over and got us all another shot.

"To us, the best bitches there are" Tessa announced, holding up her shot glass, we all did the same.

"To us" we all said in unison, downing the shot. Well, apart from Tom who sipped his.

"Someone teach this boy how to drink" Tessa complained

Mackie got another shot and placed it in front of Tom and began giving him a lesson which kept being interrupted by Tessa correcting him.

Everyone just had their own conversations and drinks for a while until most of us were pretty wasted. Okay correction, Tom, Lizzie and Tessa.

"I am not being tonight's parent." Mumbled Scar, downing her whole drink

"You're the parent all the time anyway" I said, also downing my own drink

"True" RDJ chimed in

"You can't talk Downey" Mackie said

"Whatever" RDJ said rolling his eyes

"I'm a parent to my child not my friends" scar said

"Which reminds me, when can I see Rosie Posie again" I said

"Whenever" scar replied

Then Tessa came stumbling over, laughing her head off.

"He- he- Tom- wall-" Tessa laughed but we couldn't understand a word she was saying as she was wheezing throughout it.

"Tessa, Tessa, compose yourself. Start again." I said slowly

She took a couple deep breaths then resumed

"Tom ran into a wall on the dance floor and Lizzie and I laughed at him now he's crying and Lizzie passed out." Tessa said, trying not to laugh.

"Oh for the love of-" I muttered "Wait hold on..Tessa, how many shots did Lizzie have before passing out?"

"Ermm I don't know.. five?" Tessa said

"HA! YES!" I yelled

Scar grumbled and handed my 20 bucks. Life's good. Oh wait I forgot about the other two.

I walked over to the dance floor and scouted the area for an injured Tom and a passed out Lizzie.

It didn't take long as it wasn't hard to find the two crackheads. Tom was sprawled out on the floor in a starfish shape crying with Lizzie out like a light against the wall next to him.

I swear I'm at my wits end.

I went over and hauled Tom up, propping him against the wall. I knelt down next to Lizzie and prodded her cheek. "Oh dear is she dead?" I smirked

"Y/N stop with the marvel references." Tom sighed and I rolled my eyes at him.

Lizzie stirred and I helped her up and she started laughing, remembering what happened.

After interrogating Tom and Lizzie, turns out he wasn't crying in pain, but merely the fact he got laughed at.

I was joined by Scar and Mackie who stood and observed.

"Tom how did you end up running into the wall..?" I asked him

"I saw a spider." Tom said bluntly.

"You saw a spider. So you ran into a wall." I said slowly, honestly debating leaving him here.

"I didn't run into the wall on purpose!" He complained

"Well-" Lizzie interjected but was shut down.

"Lizzie we have a worked up toddler here please do not make it worse" I sighed

"I think we've all had enough, why don't we get going" scar said to the group to which we all nodded.

"HEADCOUNT" I shouted
I counted Tom, Lizzie, Scar and Mackie.

"Ugh where is RDJ and Tessa?" I asked

Scar pointed to the other end of the dance floor.
"I'll get them" she said, walking off.

Meanwhile I was trying to keep the children in one place which proved to be very difficult, Tom was interested in the other wall but I'm pretty sure I managed to keep him still.

Shortly after, Scar returned with RDJ and Tessa.

I counted everyone again to make sure.

"Tessa, Scarlett, RDJ, Lizzie and Mackie." I said. I think that's everyone.

"Is that everyone? I feel like we're missing someone." I said

Everyone looked around.

"Count again." Scar said

"Nah it's fine." I said brushing it off.

"Okay everyone out" RDJ said

We left the bar and began looking for the car.

"Are you sure you're able to drive Scar?" Mackie asked "I can drive as I've only had two shots"

"Are you sure? It would be safer" scar said

"It's fine" he replied

I looked behind me to see Lizzie inspecting a tree.

"Lizzie!" I called "Lizzie what are you doing?"

"TREEE BARK" she yelled at me

"Okay-?" I shouted back

"NO! THE TREE BARK" she yelled again


"UGHHH" she said kicking the tree but immediately apologised to it and ran over to me, stumbling a bit.

I blinked, slightly confused but went over to the car with everyone else.

We all piled into the car and Mackie drove away.

We were about 20 minutes away from the bar when it hit me.

"Oh shit-" I said loudly

Tom's Pov

They fucking left me at the bar.


(A/N~ sorry this chapter took so long but here it is. Also holy shit the reads have shot up tysm love you all <3
(Not proof read sorry)

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