Everybody's Wrong

Start from the beginning

Sasuke's car pulled up and Naruto frowned. He knew that he couldn't let Sasuke convince him otherwise. That would be the night he was going to end it all for the sake of his own heart. He sat up as the other man got out of the car, both of them could feel that the tension in the air was thick.

"What's going on?" Sasuke asked as he looked at the blonde. Naruto was usually happy, but all he could do was frown as he looked at the other man. Sasuke could tell something was wrong and he had a feeling that he knew what it was. "Why are you sitting out here?" he asked, not sure that he wanted the answer. "Let's go inside, I'm tired," he told him as he signaled for him to follow him into the house. He didn't want to believe it, but he knew it was going to be the end of their relationship and he had a feeling that, by the look on Naruto's face, there was nothing he could do to change his mind.

"I'm sure you are," Naruto said bitterly. "From working, right?" he asked with air quotes around the word working. Sasuke couldn't even believe that the conversation was happening, but when Naruto got off his car he knew what was coming. "I'm not stupid," he told him, fighting back the tears that threatened to fall.

"Obviously you are if you're listening to your stupid friends," Sasuke said defensively. "I mean who are they saying this time? Or are they just making up people now?" he asked, hurt that Naruto would listen to all of the rumors. He thought there was more trust between the two of them.

"Well it makes more sense than you working such long hours every single night," Naruto said angrily. "I mean come on, don't tell me you haven't thought about it. You have all the opportunity in the world," the blonde argued, at that point just repeating the words his friends had told him since they'd gotten together. Even before Sasuke started working later nights his friends had warned him that the other man had too much opportunity and temptation to remain faithful.

"How long have you known me?" Sasuke asked, though the blonde just remained silent. "Have I ever cheated on any guy that I was with?" it was a rhetorical question, they both knew the answer was no. "I would think of all people you'd be the last person who'd doubt me," Sasuke frowned.

"A person can only take so much," Naruto told him quietly. "I can only believe so much," he looked away so he wouldn't be tempted to give in and go back to the other man. He opened his car door, "I think this goes with out saying, but, we're over."

"Where are you going to stay?" Sasuke frowned. He knew that Naruto didn't have any family in the city that he could turn to and it wasn't like he could kick him out of the house they shared when he was the one leaving. Even if he could, Naruto could never afford the house on his own. Sasuke had been born into money, but Naruto didn't have such a luxury. Naruto's parents were still in the small town they had both left after high school.

Part of Sasuke wished that their friends had just gone to a different college than them. Sasuke had the opportunity to go to a more prestigious school but instead he followed Naruto. As disappointed as his parents were to hear Sasuke passed up over offers, they understood. Despite everything he did, Naruto's friends still thought he'd cheat on the blonde merely because he had the opportunity to do so. Sasuke had just wanted to make a name for himself without his family's influence so he moved t a different city and worked his way up with hard work and late nights.

"A friends house," was all Naruto said. He sighed, "You're not going to change my mind." The blonde could feel a piece of his heart break as he looked at the hurt written all over Sasuke's face, but he knew that he couldn't give in. He thought the rumors were true, that it was all just an act, and he couldn't give in to his excuses. He couldn't accept what he thought he knew wasn't true.

Sasuke tried to stop the door from closing, "Please can we just talk about this." He loved the blonde, even if he wasn't great at showing it, he didn't want it to be the end. Some called him emotionally unavailable when in reality he just didn't know how to express his feelings. When they were alone and he felt he could be himself he was able to tell Naruto how he felt. He thought Naruto had known his true feelings. He thought he knew the real him behind the mask he put on for other people.

Naruto just frowned as he pulled the door from Sasuke's hands and shut it. Sasuke just watched as Naruto drove away, feeling as if his heart were breaking into a million pieces. All he could do was watch as red taillights disappeared into the night. He knew that if Naruto believed the rumors, he was probably better letting him go, but that didn't make watching his car drive away any easier.

A few weeks later Sasuke sat at the bar. It was Saturday night and he was alone. Despite it being weeks since the break up he still felt like he was dying inside. He was drowning his sorrows in alcohol, hoping that it would make him feel better, though he knew it wouldn't. He had turned away multiple people that had come up to him. It was the closest bar to his house, as well as to all of his former friend's homes. It was the bar they had always gone to so he knew it was likely they'd be there with Naruto. He didn't know why he didn't just pick a different bar.

He could hear Naruto and his friends talking behind him in a booth. He looked over to see the blonde have that fake look of hurt on his face, but he knew better to fall for that. He learned long ago that Naruto could pretend to be hurt better than anyone else he knew, it was how he always got his way. Maybe it wasn't all fake, but he'd heard about the multiple nights Naruto had left with people at the bar. He had heard about how Naruto was moving on while Sasuke was stuck in place. He had hoped those were rumors, but he'd seen it for himself the previous weekend when Naruto left with some guy Sasuke had never seen before. He couldn't blame him for moving on. He thought maybe it was easier to move on when you thought the person you left was a liar and a cheater.

He heard their words to the blonde, "Do you want to leave?" and "I can kick his ass if you want." The last one made him laugh a little because he knew none of them could kick his ass, unless they ganged up on him.

Sasuke just frowned. He knew that none of them knew the whole story. They all just assumed that Sasuke was a cheater, that he was the devil in the relationship. Rather than trying to further his career and make a better life for them, in their eyes he was the guy that was using work as an excuse to hook up with people on the side.

Sasuke sighed, he remembered when they first started to hang out a lot in high school. Naruto's parents weren't very happy about it. It was true their parents were friends but his mother didn't like the way Sasuke dressed – as if the way he dressed was a sign that he would be nothing trouble. She thought that he would be a bad influence and when they started dating, she thought he'd be the one to break his heart.

Sasuke continued to watch the table. He could see Naruto get the look of interest on his face as a guy walked into the bar. He heard the blonde say, "It's fine; I just have to forget him and move on." Naruto had left the table and was flirting with a guy at the bar. Everybody had just labeled Sasuke the bad guy but Naruto was flirting with someone else already. Naruto was the one that had already hooked up with other people since their break up. Sure it had been almost three weeks but it didn't make it any less painful to see him flirting with some other guy so blatantly right in front of him. Everyone ignored the fact that Naruto was the flirt and that it was Naruto that came on to him in the beginning. It was Naruto that was bold enough to go after anyone he was interested in. He knew he was partly to blame for leaving Naruto alone so long, but he also knew that he wasn't the only one to blame for their relationship ending.

Sasuke turned back to his drink, downing it before deciding that he had enough. He paid and quickly left the bar, sick of watching the show that Naruto was putting on. He could have turned it into a competition, using someone for the night to make the blonde angry, but that would just be proving him right about what kind of guy he was. Instead he decided he should go home and go to bed before he drank too much and did something that he'd ultimately regret.

The blonde's eyes watched Sasuke as he left the bar alone, knowing how many people propositioned him every night he expected the other man to have someone else on his arm when he left. He wondered if he had just come to the bar to play the victim and act as if he'd done nothing wrong only to go to a different bar to find someone for the night. It made sense to him since he couldn't think of any other reason why Sasuke would show up to the bar he knew that he'd be at that night. There was no other reason for him to torture both of them by being there too. He took his eyes off the door and turned back to the attractive man at the bar, forcing himself to move on from his long time boyfriend.

They both knew that their relationship had been broken beyond repair and each blamed each other for causing it. In the end, all they had left was a broken friendship and two broken hearts.

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