Start from the beginning

Hermione: He's talking about the one in the forest idiots! And Julienne what do you mean 7 detentions?!

Julienne: Oh...never mind that.

Hermione: Neville, I'm really, really sorry about this...

Hermione takes out a wand.

Hermione: Petrificus Totalus.

Neville is frozen and falls backward onto the ground. Hermione puts her wand back, making Ron look at her in horror.

Ron: You're a little scary sometimes...you know that? Brilliant, but scary

Julienne: You only noticed that now?

Hermione smacks Julienne's head.

Julienne: Ow! Let's go.

Julienne walks by Neville.

Julienne: Sorry Nev.

Hermione: Sorry.

Ron: It's for your own good, you know.


The three are under the Invisibility cloak, sneaking along the corridor.

Hermione: Ow! You stood on my foot!

Ron: Sorry.

A flame lights. Hermione draws out her wand and points it at the door.

Hermione: Alohomora.

The door opens, and they go in.

Ron: Wait a minute...he's...

A blow of air, and the cloak flutters off them.

Ron: Sleeping.

Julienne: Snape's already been here. He's put a spell on the harp.

Severus rolled his eyes at the screen. It wasn't even him, to begin with. 'Arrogant and stupid just like his father.'

They approach the sleeping dog.


"It's so big!"

Ron: Uh. It's got horrible breath!

Julienne: We have to move its paw.

Ron: What?!

Julienne: Come on!

Julienne grabs the paw, which is blocking the door.

"Such a big risk!"

"A dangerous one!" Molly shrieked.

Julienne: Okay. Push!

They strain and move it and open the door.

Julienne: I'll go first. Don't follow until I give you a sign.

Fluffy's eyes open.

"Oh no!" Sirius pulled her and placed her head on his chest. Julienne was trying to say something, but it wasn't really clear as her voice was muffled by Sirius's clothes.

Julienne: If something bad happens, get yourselves out...Does it seem a bit...quiet?

'Yah, just be the sacrifice all the fucking time.' Astro rolled his eyes.

Hermione: The harp. It stopped playing.

Drool from one head comes down on Ron's shoulder.

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