Chapter 17: Reason

Start from the beginning

Following our routine for hours we were generously given a break. I strolled through the white halls, entering the library. The books were tightly aligned in shelves that continued way beyond human vision. I grabbed a book about the Systems' Theory based on Project 5. After flipping pages, I landed on the page I left off yesterday. From the corner of my eye I spotted the same brown hair boy. He had an expressionless face as he sat down one seat away from me.

Although we lived in the same facility, none of us remembered the appearances and names of anyone but ourselves. This boy goes to this library every day for years when we have a break. However neither of us bothered to speak to each other. Today was the same, it was completely silent besides the occasional noise of a page being flipped. My mouth opened, speaking to him.

"Hey, why do you come here every day?
Are you afraid of having no value to the higher-ups, thus you would end up in the same place as the ones who were 'eliminated' down the road?" I indifferently said, still reading my book.

Why would I be concerned about the insignificant failures? As I stated previously we only cared for ourselves. Products raised here never fail to make preparations to defend themselves at all times. It's the cruel reality that we have to accept. More than 15 dropped out, I suspect the next one will happen in the upcoming weeks.

"No, I'm learning everything I'm interested in."

I was slightly taken aback due to his response. Nearly all the kids who came to the library vigilantly studied the subjects they were failing at the moment.

"Does that mean you're doing better at the curriculum than me?"

Usually we get informed how we are currently doing. If we were falling behind or improving beyond their expectations. Never would we be told the specific details but only the run-down version.

"Not really, my results were worse than the previous assessment."

"Now that's surprising. It appears like I'm above you statistically wise." I yawned, putting the book back on the shelf.

"Well, how about I teach you whatever to your heart's content." I proposed.

"Huh?" He blinked, looking at me like I was an idiot.

"Imagine; a hopeless kid who the instructors gave up on becomes number one? The pleasure I will receive for such an achievement will be incomparable to anything in this shitty place!"

"How are you sure it will happen?"

"Did you know why the dropout count is so low despite the education being excessively harsh? I'm the one who helped them. They're so desperate that they are willing to owe me a favor when I never specified what it was."

"Are you really more capable than the professional instructors?"

"What I'm lacking in knowledge, I make up for in my ability to tutor. You know how they don't teach one on one? Instead they make us follow their orders until we get it right. The problem is; a portion of them can't flourish in such a way. Some need more attention while others don't. Unfortunately they seem to firmly believe in equal treatment, regardless of our gender. "

"Not to mention how genes play a big role in the potential of the child. That's why it feels exhilarating when you humiliate those bastards, who think they're superior just because they were born with good genes! I have to push my body to the brink of destruction every single day to not fall behind them but it's definitely worth it. H—".


"Ah, I got off track. Sorry about that. Anyways, if I'm not successful in teaching you, I'll stop. We'll probably be here for years, so who cares if we waste a couple days?"

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