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Staring at nothing.....

Can't move

Can't talk

Can't even breath from the situation, she's suffocated and she's used to it.

She can't even feel herself, bruises being covered with foundation, but hurt can't be, her eyes says it all.

"Make sure too smile love" her wife says, as she put some red lipstick on those soft bruise lips, on those lips that has so many questions on-

Why am I here...

Why can't I fight for myself...

Did I really deserve this...

I love her....I really love her...

"Dead or alive your still my wife"the said wife said, wife? Do she still consider her as her wife?



Yes, the fuck she's treating her like a Dog and still she can't even fight for her rights.

"Smile okey?" The girl says as she look at the letter worriedly, but her eyes

Eyes never lies

Eyes always say it all

Her eyes shouts evilness, nothing less and nothing more, she's a maniac, no one knows about it, no one can't even imagine this beautiful angelic that everyone wants to be,
turn into maniac, sister of Lucifer.

Hands slowly trasing from her jaw towards her neck
"your Soo beautiful Chaeyong-ahh"
And choke the letter, and smile at her like an innocent girl she is"I said smile, my wife" she can't breathe yet she's still ain't doing something

'i want to die already'

"Why aren't you doing something!?!" The younger shout as she mentally slap, her wife, knees on the floor that



Every year

Every second

Those knees should be.

"No one's gonna help you her"put her hands at the back of her head.
"Your old tzuyu is not here anymore!" Pull her own hair as she look left and right, run her hands through her hair to her face as she look at her wife again, kneeling down"you know tzuyu?" She ask"the tzuyu you know is long long Lost" she add.

Chaeyong still starring at the floor, tears now flowing through her cheeks,


It hurts her seeing tzuyu like this more than on what she's feeling cause she felt nothing she can't feel anything, even though she knew that she's miserable already, can't help to worry about the younger.

Yes she hurt her

She punch




Her, her own wife did this things to her, she don't know what the cause why the younger is being like this, she know tzuyu would change would go back to her old self, she still consider her as her wife as her Love of her life as her first charming


Best friend




The hell really sent us the most evil disease called love-

Chaeyong don't want to escape, that idea never cross her mind, and even though it cross her mind she'll never do it, she wants to stay here.

Here for what?

For her to be a punching bag toy for her wife, for her to be slap and harass from her wife....


She wants to stay, to help to tell and ask.

To help tzuyu

To ask tzuyu

To tell tzuyu how much she love her, to as why is she being like this, why hurting her, to help tzuyu to go back to her old self, how?

How can she even do that, she can't even help herself fight back, she can't even move, and think properly.

Love blind us all-

'Find what you love, and I found you, and if you find it let it control you and kill you'


~TWICE SHIPS ONE SHOTS~Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat