38 | Promise Me Or I'll Leave You

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"Mr. Holland, you might be feeling a bit blurry for the next few hours but we need to keep you until then for monitoring. You'll be able to go home by lunch. There's light trauma to your neuromuscular bundles but all tendon damage has been repaired with skin grafting. Please keep in mind that you must do all physiotherapy sessions in future to restore complete functionality in your hand. I also have to let you know that with severe ligamentous damage like this you may have tremors or shaking at times in the future, similar to Parkinson's disease but not as severe. It won't be very noticeable but it's a small price to pay to have your hand back," the doctor told me, flipping through the multiple report pages on his clipboard.

"You have a dislocated bone in there too but that'll heal on it's own by the time you get this splint off. Six weeks okay? We couldn't put a plaster cast on you because of the bleeding, we want the lacerations to heal properly and don't want to keep them all hot and sweaty under a cast. That's all so we can avoid amputation. This was a very serious injury you've had here Tom, you need to look after it very carefully. Replace the dressing every three days and don't get it wet. You can use hand sanitizer around the area when you dress your hand but don't get it on the wound. The wooden splints taped to your hand should always stay on to keep your hand from moving as well. Just change the outside stuff okay? I'll of course write this all down for you and your emergency contact who is waiting for you now," he smiled.

"Thanks, I was kind of confused that you started this whole lecture with 'you'll feel blurry' and then gave me a shit tonne of really important information straight after. I never would have remembered it all," I joked, lifting my arm up and seeing the bandage all around my hand.

It was dumb. I could move my whole body apart from my hand but the doctors insisted on putting me on a stretcher to wheel me back to my room. Waiting next to the empty bed was my girl; worried, tired and tear stained. Her mascara had run slightly, but she was still wearing the clothes from yesterday morning. She must've come straight from work and stayed overnight whilst they performed surgery on me.

The same clothes Jack had proven he knew she was wearing.

Nurses offered to help me get into bed which I rejected, I have a broken hand, not a broken back. She thanked the doctor for his efforts, thanked the nurses for their assistance and even thanked some other random nurse for bringing water. She thanked everyone in the bloody room.

"Hi Darling," I said screwing my face up in embarrassment. I knew she would have been told that the injury occurred at jail and she'd probably be annoyed at me for going to visit Jack.

But she visited him too.
Neither of us are in the clear.

"You're a fucking idiot, you know that right?" She said shaking her head and kissing me delicately on the forehead. To this I responded with a pout and puckered lips, wanting a proper kiss which she then gave me.

"I know I'm idiot, don't rub it in," I laughed, covering my face with my good hand and sighing.

"So what happened huh? Doctors said a pen went through it out of anger? Except you were at the penitentiary so I know you were with Jack and it definitely wasn't a pen," she said raising one of her eyebrows at me.

"It was kind of a pen? Like a pen knife prison shank type thing... He lashed out and I lashed out and they took him away and they took me away and yeah... straight through," I shrugged.

"So if you got all of this... How'd he end up looking?" She said leaning over and resting her head on my lap smiling up at me. She's not angry? She's almost, impressed?

"Broken nose for sure, I slammed his head down onto the table after he stabbed me," I said holding back a smile.

"Imagining that is kinda hot I have to admit... Like the first boxing fight you invited me to, it was hot watching you get angry," she said slyly, smiling up at me as I brushed back her hair from her face.

I like that she doesn't get scared of that image. The image of me being violent. Means she'll deal well when the day inevitably comes where she'll have to watch me commit such a crime. It's the biggest thing I fear really. That someone I'm close to watches me get violent and it drives them away. Y/N asking me for details about these situations gives me a bit of hope.

"Why'd you visit him? He's dangerous Tom, he's tried to kill your Dad and Harrison..." she said quietly.

"And you... That's half the reason I went. I wanted to see if he knew anything about Daniel, but then he mentioned how he set Haz up, set Dad up, and sent a suicide killer to run you off the road... That's why I got so angry, he hurt you," I admitted.

She didn't act surprised.

"He also mentioned you visited him earlier yesterday too... Why didn't you tell me?" I asked, stroking her hair lightly.

"I was going to when you we both got home, I went the same reason you did; Daniel. I didn't want to tell you beforehand because you're so protective over me... He knew a lot about me though, my scar, my job, he even called me kitten. He must've done his research," she sighed.

"Darling, you can't tell me not to see dangerous people and then see them yourself. I need to protect you, this isn't a safe world when you're not with me. You need to tell me when you want to do things like this. He stabbed me easily, he could've killed you in there," I said cupping her face and frowning.

"Wait Y/N, did you say that Jack called you kitten? Only Daniel ever called you that..." I said taking a deep breath and clenching my jaw.

"So Jack knows about the fucking rat... I'm going to fucking kill both of them," I huffed before Y/N sat up in fear and covered my mouth.

"Don't say shit like that so loudly, you need to calm down Tom," she whispered, turning around to check if anyone was around.

"I'm going to kill the son of a bitch and make him regret he ever called you kitten," I whisper, stroking the side of her face with my thumb.

"No. You get involved with this and you'll get jail time for sure. If I even hear about you getting involved with him I will fucking leave you. You hear me? I fucking love you Tom, so I don't want to lose you to death or jail," she threatened, sitting up and holding each side of my face in her hands so I'd look at her in the eyes.

"Promise me you won't get involved with this Daniel shit okay?" She asked bluntly,

"I promise."

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