24 | Knocking On My Door

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(A/N: this one is a long one guys, double the length of my usual chapters to buckle up and get ready xo)

My time in Witness Protection has finally come to a bittersweet end. I initially thought that I would have hated every second here, but it was surprisingly refreshing not having to wash blood off my hands every second week nor worry about people constantly coming to me with their problems.

I got an email from the courts saying that my paperwork has been finalised and that I'm free to return home as of 12:01am. It's a precise time but I guess they just mean tomorrow. I've been packing the minimal personal belongings I have for the past few days, living out of a suitcase similarly to Y/N.

She has been checking out real estate inspections this week on her lunch breaks and after she finishes work, so she's been coming home later than usual. After the scare I got when she came home at ten at night after Dad's trial, she's started texting me when she leaves work and I know it takes her about half an hour to drive home. I do the same when I head to the gym and she's at home waiting for me.

I actually have been meaning to talk to Y/N about our next steps together. We don't talk about the details of our relationship together very often, yet I sense the fact she doesn't want this to end because of the way she has been talking this week.

Let me explain a few examples on what I mean by that, because I know I'm not reading into this:

So, Y/N makes me tea every morning right? Yesterday, she put the mug on the bedside table next to me before she left for work and goes 'I'm going to miss making you tea every day once your WITSEC ends'.

Next, she's getting a pair of these fluffy socks out of her suitcase and throws them at me. Obviously I'm confused why she's pegging a sock ball at me so I toss them back and ask why she's attacking me. She then says, 'I'm just proving to you why these socks are the comfiest things in the world. If we lived together longer I would have bought you a matching pair'.

I'm not going crazy am I? That's hinting towards something right?

And lastly after I told her I wanted her to meet my family, she turned to me in bed and started like, asking me really weird questions about them. Like, 'So Paddy is the youngest one yeah?' And saying things along the lines of 'So if your Dad sits at the head of the table because he's the boss, where do guests sit? What if you were like a brother in law, so not family but kind of family?'

She's talking about a future with me right? Am I reading into this way too much? Regardless, I bit the bullet and decided that I do want to be with her. I haven't dated someone properly in a while, I'm shit at committing but I know that Y/N is someone I want to be with. I don't know if I'll ask her to be my girlfriend or anything crazy... But I want to you know, publicly date her. Is that the same as a girlfriend?

Yesterday we went on a date. I didn't tell her where we were going until we got there and she was pretty surprised to say the least. I told her that she needed to relieve the stress from working overtime on Dad's case and that this place was where my brothers and I went to take the edge off. Her first guess was a strip club - I definitely would not take a girl to a strip club as a date. Jesus Christ Y/N who do you think I am?

I took her to a shooting range. I know, it's not very romantic or anything but it's next door to a pretty cool bar where they have a Smash room. What's that I hear you ask? Ah, well a smash room so where the staff give you goggles and a baseball bat, and you smash a bunch of shit. Add alcohol and this is even more entertaining.

We hit the shooting range first, obviously not being allowed a drop of alcohol near guns. The staff know me there, which isn't really something I should be proud of but they let me in after hours nevertheless. We were the only ones in there that late at night and I offered to help her with her form.

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