ferns & vines

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"Look at all the stuff I found outside for my notebook honey!" Y/n exclaimed as they dumped the different foilage that she had collected outside.

"Oh wow, it's starting to become more vibrant now." Technoblade nodded

"Yeah! Winter is slowly coming coming an end, finally." Y/n said as they looked out the window at the inches of snow that was starting to melt.

"So what are you going to do with these exactly?" He questioned as he examined the plants that were on the table.

"I'm going to like dry them out, then put them in between pages of our books so that they get smushed." Y/n explained.

"But what about the pages?!" Technoblade asked, the concern heard in his voice.

"They'll be dry, but I'll put wax paper in between the pages and the plants." Y/n reassured him before inspecting all of them to look for those of which that had flaws.

"So what does this have to do with your notebook again?" He asked again, watching as Y/n intently scoured the greenery for any imperfections.

"I'm going to put them in between the pages with the notes I write inside!" Y/n exclaimed happily, making him smile.

What he didn't know however, was that this was for a celebration that all of their friends and family was going to be invited to.


Y/n flipped through the pages of the books looking for the ferns and vines that she had placed there earlier in the week.

"I have to get these invitations done..." She mumbled to herself.

"Don't worry Y/n we can finish these all before he comes back home." Phil said reassuringly as he flipped through the pages of the books for the plants.

"How many do we even need to get done?"

"A lot- but it's manageable." He smiled. "Why don't you start writing to the people on the list, and I'll attach these to the letters and envelopes when you're done?" He suggested, and with a quick nod from Y/n she got to work.


Rereading her note to her father and Nick-

My dearest family♡︎,

This is an invitation to the celebration of

Technoblade & Y/n's

Fifth anniversary, please join us at:

4:30 p.m. on February 21st at the old L'manburg Embassy.

We hope to see you there!

Techno and Y/n.

"So what do you think of this?" Y/n asked, flipping the small notecard to face Phil.

"Oh, that looks amazing Y/n!" He said happily before using small pools of wax to stick on the foilage. "Wow it's going to be 5 years already?" He said shocked as he gently placed the card on the side to dry.

"I know right." Y/n chuckled.

"Thank you so much for being there for him Y/n you've honestly helped him so much it's unfathomable." Phil said, bringing tears to both of their eyes.

To be continued...


Hello my favorite readers!!

Thank you guys so much for all of the support on all of the books! I appreciate you guys so so so much! I also wanted to wish Techno the best recovery possible over his cancer. Stay safe, healthy, and remember that you are loved!

<3, Okanah :))

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