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"Honey, why would you not want a puppy?" Y/n questioned as she stared at their pregnant dog.

"They're too much work." He said flatly, also staring a hole into their dog.

"So what would you do with them then?" Y/n asked as she felt around her stomach, noticing that there was more than one of those fur babies in there.

"Sell them?" He said, as if it were obvious. "I don't need anymore hounds princess."

"I'll take care of themmm." She whined trying to show him that she was fully committed to this.

"We have to work princess." He said, trying not to give into her even though it almost always happened. His heartless persona was basically diminished at this point.

"For what?"

"For- forrr..." he started, trying to come up with some lame excuse. "You're right." He sighed as he looked at Y/n who had a smirk on her face.

"LETS GO." Y/n shouted, starling the dog.

"JESUS Y/N Don't scare the puppies out of her!" He said jokingly, relieved that he didn't have to fake how he felt.

It was quite obvious that Technoblade wanted to have the puppies. He didn't want the responsibility of having to take care of them, but with Y/n doing all the work he can finally start his potato farm.

"I mean I guess I could finally start my potato farm?" He suggested.

"That would be great honey!" She said sweetly and softly to him before attacking him in a hug.

"What's this about?" He smiled, looking down at her snuggled into his chest.

"Thank you." She mumbled.

"Of course princess." He said, landing a soft kiss onto the top of her head.

The last few weeks of her pregnancy was a tough one, mostly because Y/n was super jittery about the soon-to-be mama. Y/n was being very over protective and treating the dog like her life depended on it.

"Y/n give the poor dog a break already." Technoblade said from his chair as Y/n kept on tending to the dog every minute.

"Gosh this is making me so anxious honey." She said, listening to her best friend.

"I know princess. Just wait okay?" He said softly before taking a glance at the soon-to-be mother.

Two days later...

"Oh my god Y/n please get them to shut upppp." Technoblade mumbled groggily as the puppies yipping and yapping soon filled the room.

"No you get ittt." Y/n dragged out, burying her head further into her pillow.

Then the new leader of this household starred to bark, and all her babies followed.

"UGGHHHHHHH." The two of them exhaled.

HELLO MY FAVORITE READERS! I just wanted to say thank you guys so much for reading this book and giving it so much support, as well as "Soul"! I also wanted to announce the publishing of my new book "The Surface" which is an Awesamdude book. I would really appreciate it! But thank you guys so so so much.

<3, Okanah

P.S. I might start adding more Canon chapters to Soul again??

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