Hatred and replacement

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               (A few hours later)

Hidan woke up. But he was still tired. That love hidan felt towards Kakuzu became hatred. Hidan tried to walk but failed. He decided to go back to sleep. Hours later hidan woke up. He was able to walk but tripped a lot. He walked to the bathroom and took a shower. Luckily there was spare clothes. He put them on and walked to the door. It was locked. Hidan just sat on his bed and went back to sleep. Then he woke up hungry. He had to find a way to the kitchen. He went toward a window that was by his bed, unlocked it and went out side. And just his luck the back door was unlocked. He went towards the kitchen. There wasn't any good in the fridge but plenty of canned food and ramen. He made some ramen and walked to his door. " the key was right next to my door?! How stupid! " he unlocked his door and walked in the room with his ramen and started eating when he was done, he laid down and started crying. Hidan woke up again and could tell that this would happen a lot. Hidan looked outside and saw a deer. Hidan panicked and locked the window and laid back down. He peeked at the deer again and it was gone. Hidan sighed in relief. Hidan stood up and explored the house it was beautiful. It wasn't too big nor too small. Hidan felt comforted and comfortable. Hidan sat down on the couch and wrapped himself in a blanket and giggled a little. Hidan was somewhat happy. He looked at the back door. It was a sliding glass door. He saw a white cat outside bathing it's self. Hidan silently opend the door and quickly grabbed the cat. The cat surprisingly didn't attack him. So he decided that the cat would be his. He brings he cat inside and to a bathtub. He closed and locked the door so the cat would escape. He started the water. He didn't have any proper cat soap so he just washed the cat with water and looked for fleas. Hidan got lucky again and there was no fleas to be found. " what should your name be little fella?" The cat meowed and hidan laughed. "I'll name you...Momo!" Momo meowed again and hidan guessed that Momo like it's name. " hold on this might get uncomfortable but let's check your gender. " the cat was a girl. Hidan didn't care at all. He was just happy to have a friend after many years of being considered and "freak" or "a monster" because he was immortal. Hidan dried Momo and brings her to his room. They both lay down and fall asleep. But then hidan looked at his body. He saw Kakuzus stitches all over. Hidan started crying. Momo saw and felt it so she cuddled him. Hidan felt a little better and ended up crying Himself to sleep.

    This was short and I'm sorry! It's 5:am I need to go to bed! See you later!!

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