2. Pames Jotter

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[Jasmine's POV]

' I am still not able to believe I am going to a magic school. My parents and I at first thought it was just some kind of joke until Professor Longbottom showed up. I got my things from Diagon Alley,' Jasmine Edwards thought while her father was driving her to Kings' Cross Station. Professor Longbottom had informed how to reach platform 9 3/4. She bid goodbye to my parents and boarded the train.

She finally found a compartment at the almost end of the train. She took out her book, The Boy who Came from Space and started reading it. There was a knock at the door. A boy with messy jet black hair and bright green eyes and a girl with red hair and kind amber eyes stood at the compartment door.

"Can we sit here?" the boy asked.

"Yeah. Sure," Jasmine replied.

"I am Rose Weasley,"the girl said.

"Albus Potter."

"Jasmine Edwards."

"So you're a muggleborn ?" Rose asked.

"Yeah. Is there a problem ?" Jasmine narrowed her eyes.

"Oh no ! It's just that Grandpa will be proud that my first friend is a muggleborn," Rose replied ecstatic. Jasmine smiled.

"Hey! What were all your cousins? Turnips ? BTW She's my friend too you know," Albus protested.

"Are you two cousins? " Jasmine asked.

"Yeah. He's not the only one. There are Victoire, the eldest, she has completed all the newts. Then Dominique is an year ahead of us, Louis will be starting next year with Hugo, my brother. Uncle Charlie is not married. Uncle Percy has two daughters Molly and Lucy. Uncle Fred is dead. ('Oh I am so sorry !') Uncle George's Roaxanne and Fred they are a year ahead of us. Aunt Ginny has three kids: Albus here, Lily who will be starting her Hogwarts next year and James who is an year ahead of us."

"Oh wow! You've a lot of cousins. I wish I had so many cousins and siblings. I am the only child. It does get lonely at home," Jasmine said, "I really want to meet them."

"You wouldn't want to meet James-" Albus was cut off by a tall boy with jet black messy hair, lightest of the brown eyes. He had an arrogent smirk plastered on his face.

"Did I hear someone saying your name?" he asked.

"No. It must be a toad croaking," Albus said. Jasmine snorted lightly. James looked at her and froze.

"H-hi! I am Pames Jotter. I mean Jotter Pames- Sirius James- James Sirius Potter," he somehow stuttered out.

Jasmine just smiled kindly and James' heart skipped a beat.

"Hello Pames Jotter," she giggled out. James turned red from embarrassment. "It's ok. People can be socially awkward. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. I am Jasmine Edwards by the way." Jasmine was completely oblivious to the fact that Rose, Albus and Fred who was listening from outside had to stuff there hands in their mouths to stop laughing. James and socially awkward? Never. James looked like he would die of embarrassment. Fred saved James from further bashfulness and took him to their compartment were the Scamander twins and Atlas were waiting for them.

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