Chapter 14

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Song: Zero
Artist(s): Krewella

Time passed, but the concept felt meaningless as the private plane glided through the clouds. Cheshire grew tired of the rapid change from night to day as they drifted in and out of various time zones. So now the two sat across from each other with all shades pulled over the windows. The lighting was dimmed and the song Zero performed by Krewella played in the background.

Cheshire's eyes were locked on Snake Eyes with a stony expression giving nothing away. Her eyes glanced at the messy pile of cards with a draw four at the top of the pile facing upwards. She looked back at her hand knowing it was straight crap but maybe looking at it one more time would some how change that fact. Nope. Still crap. She was going to lose....again! Ace would be so disappointed. Try as he might to teach her a good poker face, she never could master it unless it was mission related. And as much as he cared for her it just wasn't in his DNA to let her win when it came to cards, no matter the game. The challenge improved her skills, and as long as she wasn't playing against Ace, she could hold her own in Gin and Black Jack.

Casino games were good and all but UNO and Spades were practically family. She grew up playing them as long as she could remember. They were a staple at her family cook outs and reunions. There was no way she was going to lose in UNO even if it was against Snake Eyes. Her mistake was going easy on him, which he obviously didn't appreciate since he wasn't doing the same for her.

Time to get serious.

"Skip you, back to me" She grinned as she placed a green skip card. Then emptied her green number cards. "Three. Four. Five. Six" Then finished by laying down three blue six cards. "Boom!"

She was satisfied not only by her cleverness, but also the fact that she only had three cards remaining.


"Street rules fool" She responded in her best Mr. T voice and sticking her tongue out playfully.

Although it was hidden, he gave a playful smirk and shook his head at her antics. Minutes later the game ended with Cheshire declaring victory. He might have won if he could sign UNO faster than she could say it.

Once she was finished basking in her victory, which wouldn't have been complete without a victory dance, she settled back in her seat while Snake Eyes returned the cards to the box.

Song: Stuck With U
Artist(s): Justin Bieber & Ariana Grande

Resting her crossed arms on the collapsible table she turned her head to stare at the six red lines on the wall. Reaching over, she gently grabbed Snake's elbow and turned his arm so his shoulder was a bit more visible. Just like she thought, the same red symbol was stitched into the fabric.

"So this is your clan's plane?"

*"My clan?"*

"Yeah...isn't that what you call secret ninja societies?"

*"No. It's not really a secret and we are called by our name, Arashikage"*

"Good to know" Cheshire said as she let go of him and leaned back in her seat. "The only thing I really know about ninjas are what I've seen in movies. I watched them a lot when I was a kid. My dad's really into comic books and action movies but martial arts movies are his all time favorite. My mom would get so angry if she found out he let me, my brother and my sister watch them. I guess it was because he was a fighter too. He loved it"

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