Chapter 13

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The sun took its rest for the day and the moon took its place up above. As the haze of sleep began to dissipate and Cheshire slowly became more awake, she was greeted with a sky full of stars. She stared slightly perplexed at the large oval revealing the beautiful night sky she was slowly drifting through.

Am I dreaming?

She thought as she sat up in a large bed drowning her in a sea of fluffy white pillows and a matching comforter. Rubber her eyes of sleep her mahogany eyes took in the small bedroom. The bed occupied over half of the space with sliding glass doors that revealed a rather bare closet. Some black clothing hung randomly on hangers but other than that she didn't see anything else. Another sliding door made from a pale colored wood stood to the right of the bed. Directly across from the bed, inside of the wall, was an incognito flat screen television. On first glance you would have thought it was simply a beautiful baroque style painting. However, one click of a button could reveal its true nature.

Confusion played upon her features as she tried to make sense of her new surroundings.

Cheshire huffed and threw the covers back. "Well. Only one way to know what's going on?"

Her neon colored SpongeBob socks clashed against the crimson colored carpet. Slowly, she crept to the closed door she assumed would lead her to the rest of the plane. Gently, she pressed an ear to it thinking there was nothing but silence on the other end. It took a few moments and some straining but she could faintly make out music playing. The volume was too low to make out details but it was definitely music.

Cheshire leaned her back against the door and sighed. Her first thought being to locate a weapon but soon realized that was pointless. She was thousands of feet in the air...what exactly was she going to do? And where the hell was Snake? It didn't seem like she was in danger so he was probably responsible for bringing her here....Yeah! He mentioned a plane before...

Cheshire froze as a sudden tantalizing scent drifted across her senses. The all too familiar scent of curry filled her nostrils and immediately all other thoughts were pushed aside as she opened the door without hesitation.

The music was much louder now that she stood on the other side. Although, that's not what shocked her into silence. An intrigued smile played upon her lips as she stared at Snake Eyes, who was adorned in a new outfit but it was fairly similar to the one he wore earlier. It was nice seeing him in something more relaxed than that leather molded ass kicking outfit of his. He was void of weapons...well none that she could see.

She took a deep inhale with a hum of satisfaction. She could practically taste the symphony of flavors.

"Something smells good" She called before making her way over to the tiny kitchen.

The kitchen consisted of a mini-frig, a small counter with a cabinet beneath it, and one of those induction cooktops made into the second counter. Unlike the bedroom, the floor of the cabin was made of darkened wood. Behind the kitchen towards the front of the jet was another flat screen, and six leather seats with harness straps instead of standard belts.

Cheshire strolled to his side looking over his shoulder at the delicious dish bubbling in the pot. She was unable to identify it but if it tasted half as good as it smelled there was no need to ask questions.

"What's that?"

*"Chicken curry"*

"Yummm" Cheshire said with a grin.

Reaching over, she lifted the lid to the individual portion sized pot to reveal Jasmine rice. She covered the pot and watched Snake Eyes for a minute but there was nothing for her to do in the kitchen.

Her attention was drawn to the music playing through the hidden speakers surrounding them. The song was in another language but the rhythm was slow and the singer drug her words to the beat. So she was either singing of heartbreak or love. Either way you don't cook chicken curry to something like that. You need something fun. Something that made you want to get up and dance.

Cheshire shook her head while searching for the controller. "This isn't cooking music"

The song stopped. There was a brief silence. Then....

[Song: Rotate (clockwise) Artist:Rak-Su]

I just wanna see you rotate!

"Aye! Now this what I'm talkin' bout!"

Both ways
I just wanna see you rotate!

Snake glanced over his shoulder to watch Cheshire throw her hands in the air and move her hips to the beat of the music. Her movements were almost snake like in motion and hypnotic. He wasn't even aware that he turned around to watch her until she giggled and stretched a hand in invitation.

"Dance with me?"

Cheshire watched the stoic ninja thinking his lack of some sort of response was his way of saying no. In reality, Snake Eyes was so distracted that he didn't even hear her. She simply rolled her eyes and took his hands to lead him away from the stove.

"If you can do that ninja stuff, then you definitely can dance" She assured. "Fighting is a lot like dancing anyway".

Cheshire let him take the lead as he spun her around slowly, but it was pretty obvious he wasn't sure where to go from there. She placed his hands on her waist as she did a simple swaying motion. It wasn't long before they were moving in sync against each other.

"Ha. Told you you can dance. It's just like fighting"

He grabbed her hand to spin her around to face him.

*"Not like fighting. More like..."*

Cheshire's eyes grew twice their size as she translated the sign. Her jaw dropped and she playfully punched him in the chest.

She laughed. "Oh my God! And here I was thinking you were an honorable ninja"

*"I am honorable. Not naive"*

A girlish giggle slipped out but Cheshire didn't care enough to feel embarrassed. They were having a moment.

Cheshire frowned as she sniffed...then sniffed again.

"Something burning?"

Both froze for a few seconds before Snake Eyes was the first to take action. Cheshire chased right behind him.

"Oh shit! My food!"

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