Chapter 7: Our Next Play

Start from the beginning

Alise: (Not the worst idea.)

Even with three of them, Alise fended them off with little trouble. Lefiya's spells missed their marks and any that did hit didn't do any damage. The three backed off to come up with another plan and catch their breaths.

Tione: *pant* This isn't working.

Ais: Her strength is the real deal. She isn't even using magic.

Tiona: Let's try one more time!

Alise saw this and decided to end things.

Alise: (I've seen everything I need. Time to settle this.)

She got into a stance with her sword in her right hand going behind her and leaned forward on her left leg. Albert saw this and warned the spectators.

Albert: Hey Cel, we need a shield.

Celdia: On it! <Let my strength be a shield for others> Barrier!

She put up a shield to protect everyone else from what Alise was about to do.

AN: This is pretty much a reskin of Zeldris' Ominous Nebula.

Alise: <I am the eye of the storm> Gale Force!

When she finished, green winds surrounded her before Ais, Lefiya and the twins felt themselves being pulled towards the girl.

Tione: Wha-

Tiona: Crap!

Ais tried to time an attack when she was in range but as soon as she was she and the others were quickly stuck by something and were sent flying into the rest of the fields.

Loki: Damn, that kid's strong.

Hestia: Of course! Any child of my Bell would be amazing!

Everyone talked about the fight while Alise gave her grade.

Alise: Okay, that'll do. You all did great. You're all in a good place to start with our training.

Bell: Are you guys okay?

Bell ran up to each of them to see how they were doing. Apart from being roughed up, Alise held back enough so that there were no serious injuries.

Tiona: I think I'll be fine... ugh.

Tiona fell on her sister's shoulder as they tried to support each other.

Lefiya: The world... it's spinning...

Ais was still stumbling so Bell placed her head on his lap to help her.

Bell: Just try to relax. You did a great job, Ais.

Ais just blushed as she felt her head being stroked. It felt relaxing and she almost fell asleep before Albert called for the next fight.

Albert: Okay, it's time the Hestia familia showed us what they're made of.

Welf: Let's try to put up a decent fight guys.

Lili: Lili will always try her best but this is a level 26.

Haruhime: Even with my level boost, we still don't stand a chance.

Bell: Doesn't mean we shouldn't try.

Mikoto: Right. Nothings on the line here so we should give this our all and hope for the best.

Bell: Okay son, we're ready!

Albert: Just a minute. Haruka, do your thing.

Haruka: Okay! <###> Starlight!

A bright light that was familiar to the Hestia familia floated up. What surprised them was that it split into 5 and hovered over each of them before descending.

Loki: The hell's goin' on?

Hestia: Is she?

Bell and the others suddenly felt a burst of strength.

Bell: What the?

Welf: This feels different than Haruhime's magic.

Mikoto: Yeah, it feels stronger.

Albert: That's because it is. All of you just had you levels doubled.


Everyone: DOUBLED?!!

Albert: That's right, Haruka's magic here specializes in level manipulation. She can raise or lower a person's level as much as she wants.

Haruka: This is gonna help with training later. Just fight like usual for now.

And so, the fight began. Bell, with his level 8 strength, opened with his knives to strike Albert who caught them with his hands. To his sides were Mikoto and Welf who hoped to land a blow while his hands were preoccupied.

Albert: Too slow!

He let go and dodged out of the way while Lili tried to pepper him with crossbow bolt. This didn't work as the bolts just dented off of the boy's body.

Lili: (What is he? Master Welf forged those from metals even harder than usual and they dented.)

Before they could regroup, Albert got ready to rush them by leaning forward before immediately leaning back. The instant he did, Bell and the others were knocked to the ground.

Albert: That should do it.

Bell: Owww....

Welf: Well that hurt.

They helped each other up as the others gave their thoughts.

Finn: Seems they're a lot better than I gave them credit for.

Riveria: They did outsmart us during the monster incident.

They were getting themselves ready for their beati- their turn, but Ariel chimed in.

Ariel: Is there a need to test them? Me, Cel and Karmi already fought them.

Ardi: Well, how were they?

Karmi: Old man Gareth's still got it.

Gareth grinned at the child's compliment.

Celdia: Riveria just takes too long to chant.

Riveria raised an eyebrow at this.

Riveria: And just how would I chant faster without risking ignus fatus?

Celdia: Don't worry, I'll be sure to train you and mom in all the new chanting methods.

Lefiya sweated at this as she could barely concurrent chant. Now she hears that there was more than that. She shuddered and prayed for her safety.

Ariel: I think Finn's only problem is he's overly cautious.

Finn: Hmm?

Ariel: There were many times I gave you a small opening and you never took it. If you don't try to take them, you'll just be stuck blocking the whole fight.

Finn: But what if it makes the situation worse?

Ariel: How would you know? What if I didn't try to block? There's no way of knowing unless you try.

Finn: This is something about my expeditions isn't it?

Albert: You hardly let people try to challenge themselves by fighting stronger monsters. It's no wonder why Mom will be stronger than all three of you.

Alise: You can be cautious, but taking risks could be very rewarding.

Finn: Thank you, you've given me much to think on.

Albert: Don't mention it. Well, we can end training today. Tomorrow is where things get real.

Everyone went their separate ways as most were dead tired after their beatings. They ate a big meal and mentally prepared themselves for tomorrow.

AN: Just a transition chapter for the next one and an opportunity to show off the skills and spells of the kids.

Hope you enjoyed and see you in the next one.

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