Chapter 14

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Both Uzui and (Y/n) were sitting ontop of a roof as Nezuko was safely sleeping peacefully in her box.

"This demon... what do you think yhey might be?" (Y/n) asked the Sound Hashira who is sitiing beside her.

"I have a feeling it would be an Upper Moon. The amount of people going missing in just a day is... powerful," Uzui stated as he looked down at the people who were walking.

Meanwhile, Draken was laying on his bed, hands behind his head.

"(Y/n) can vanish into thin air and that friend of hers just came out of no where... He mentioned that he was a former shinobi... Guess if there's demons that eat humans, dragons might too, heh.." Draken chuckled at his theory but then soon heard a loud thud from near his room. The lad stood up from his bed and walked out of his room, listening carefully to where the noise was coming from.

Once he did, he knocked on the door and walked in.

"I heard a thud sound coming from here, is everything okay?" he looked at the black haired girl who just narrowed her piercing lime eyes at him.

"Ah, Warabihime-san. What was the noise earlier?"

"Nothing part of your concern, brat." She spatted at the boy. Draken just shrugged at the female and closed the door, and walked back to his room.

But somehow, he couldn't stop the feeling in his chest began to drop. He was feeling heavy, so instead of him walking back to his room, he walked around the hall to ckear out his mind.

He then bumped into a short girl with yellow blond hair with bad make-up. He apologized to her and continued to walk.

"E-EHH?! DRAKEN-KUN?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" Draken turned around to look at the girl once more and she rubbed her make-up off, just to reveal Zenitsu Agatsuma.

"Huh? You again?"

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'YOU' AGAIN?!" Zenitsu began to wail and scream until Draken has enough of his bullsh¡t and covered the boy's mouth and drag him to his room.

"What are you doing here?! People had gone missing in this place! You need to save meee~!" Draken irked and punched the boy staright at the head.

"Shut it," Zenitsu placed both of his hands at where Draken punched him and sulk.

"You're way more worse than Tanjiro and Inosuke combined.." Zenitsu pouted his lips as tears were threaten to fall from his eyes.

"What was that?"


"Whatever," Draken clicked his tongue and just sat at his bed.

"But seriously though, what are you exactly doing here?" Asked Zenistu as he look towards at the taller male with a confused look on his face.

"I live here," and yet again, Zenitsu began to scream at the top of his lungs.

"YOU LIVE AT SUCH A PLACE?! NO WONDER YOU LOOK LIKE A MATURE 18 YEAR OLD! HECK ARE YOU EVEN A VIRGIN--" And yet again, Draken punched Zenitsu at the head, the same spot where he punched him earlier.

"I've been living here when I was a kid already. I've never met my old man, and my mom left me when I was only 2," Draken spat at the boy as he weakly apologized.

"So what are YOU doing in this kind of brothel?" Draken asked the other blond across him.

"I escaped the place where the people 'bought' me, cause I kept hearing a different heartbeat in the place." Zenitsu said rubbing his head.

"Different heartbeat? The heck you mean by that?" Zenitsu then explain on how he has good sense of hearing. He told Draken how he can tell the difference heartbeat of a human and a demon.

"So... what you're saying is that there is possibly a demon living under the same roof as me?" Zenitsu nodded his head.

"And you can tell by the sound of their heartbeat even from a few metres away?" He nodded once more.

"And you just brought yourself in without getting caught?" Another nod.

"And you just walked yourself into the area where the demon might attack in any seconds.." Draken deadpanned as saw the boy's color fading as he nodded weakly.

"Do you even have your swrod with you?" Zenitsu shook his head.

"Did you even told the others about this yet?" Zenitsu shook his head once more, and Draken let out a sigh and massage his temple.

"You're even worse than Mikey ans Takemichi combined,"

"What was that supposed to mean?!"

"I said what I said," Draken grulmbled and Zenitsu just sat there on the floor and whimpered in his area.

"Why did you even become a slayer if you're so scared of the demons at the first place anyway?" Zenitsu's breath hitched and his figure went tense for a moment.

Draken let out a sigh and told the boy to not need to tell him of his uncomfortable.

"Anyways, you should go back to that person you're serving by now. The guy might be throwing a fit," Zenitsu panicked for abit and that is until he opened Draken's room window and jumped out.

"WHAT THE HECK, MAN?!" Draken stick his head out from his room window and watched the boy running to who knows where that the person he is serving with. A knock was then heard from the boy's door and he walked up to open it.

"Konbanwa, Kenny. A friend of yours came in to visit you," the woman said. Draken looked vehind her to see Takemichi and Mikey at the door.

"Thanks for bringing them here for me," he said and the woman waved off.

"So you weren't joking when you said that you live in a brothel huh, Kenchin?" Mikey joked and sat down on the male's bed.

"Saw Zenitsu-kun running in a kimono with his hair tied up," Takemichi stated as he stood next to Mikey.

"Anyways, Takemitchy told me about that people went missing here, so we decided to check up on you," Draken hummed and crosses his arms across his chest.

"So you guys also heard of that too, huh?" The two boys nodded their heads.

Just before Takemichi could speak, they heard booming noises coming.

"You three get out of the area, now!" There at the window revealed (Y/n) with the box strapped at her back.

"(Y-Y/n)-san?!" The said girl ignored the boy's call and she disappeared once more.

"Let's go!" Draken shouted, grabbing Takemichi and Mikey, dragging the two boys as he told the staffs in the brothel ro leave to.

Once they did, Mikey looked ontop of the brothel's roof to see Uzui, Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke now in there uniform fighting off against a demon.

"Kenchin, stop! We need to help them!" Mikey shouted, trying to get off of Draken's grasp.

"You think I'm just gonna let you die like that?!" Draken then felt a strong hit in his chest and Mikey took this chance and ran up to where the 4 slayers were.

"Damn it, MIKEY!" Draken dropped Takemichi to the ground as the two began to follow the short male.

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