Entering the cafeteria, they saw a bunch of girls, swarming on the right side. Jungkook didn't think much of it but when he saw a familiar head of chestnut hair he ran through everyone crowded around the table. 


Hueningkai sighed in relief and hugged his brother, who was carrying him like a toddler. Jimin and Taehyun ran toward them,

"Jungkook, you could've gotten hurt!" Jimin said looking at the male carrying the boy
"Yeah Hyung" Taehyun backed him up
"Don't worry Hyuka would've protected me if anything happened!" Jungkook said with the utmost faith in his little brother. "Mhm" Kai nodded in confirmation, and Jimin sighed at his Friends.

Just then a boy roughly Jungkook's height came towards them, on instinct Jungkook pulled Hyuka closer, turning him away thinking he wanted his baby brother.

"Um...?" The boy cleared his throat hesitantly, Jungkook stared at him worth a raised brow, "yes?" He asked with a slightly harsh voice. The boy flinched at that, making Jungkook feel bad, only then did he realize something, the boy had no scent. Jungkook put Hyuka down and walked closer to the boy and noticed the necklace around his neck. Eyes widening, he wasted no time as he pulled the male with him and ran out of the cafe, Hyuka confused just ran behind them signaling Jimin and Taehyun to wait there.

After running inside the bathroom,hyuka locked the door and Jungkook spoke "You're an omega aren't you?" He asked softly. The boy looked at him, eyes wide, before walking back to the corner and crouching as if he was going to get in trouble. Jungkook tried walking closer, only to see the male flinch back, raising his hands as if he was going to get hurt. Jungkook knew that feeling too well.

He smiled sadly, crouching down and hugging the male. Panicking the male started thrashing, trying to get out of Jungkook's grip thinking he was going to get hurt, then calming down when Jungkook ran a hand through his hair. The boy's eyes filled with tears, hurting Jungkook and JK. "Can I talk to him?" "Yeah..be careful"

He let JK shift with him, the soft cerulean blue irises shining. "Hey...I'm Jk Jungkook's wolf. I'm an omega so don't worry your safe" JK spoke.

Hearing that the boy broke out in tears, burying his face in JK's chest "your safe don't worry..get it all out" JK said rubbing his back and caressing his hair.

The boy hesitantly looked up and saw his eyes, they held compassion and worry, something he hadn't seen in a long time. "Sorry.." 

"There's nothing to be sorry about..can you tell me your name?"

The boy nodded "my name is Han Jisung..I'm a male omega and my wolf's name is mystic" he said softly
JK smiled and looked back at hyuka.

"Oh, my name is JK I'm Jungkook's wolf!" JK said with a smile and called Hyuka in front.
"Hi my name is  Hueningkai and I'm a true-blooded alpha, my wolf's name is storm!" He said happily making the omega's worry fade away knowing he wouldn't do anything.

"Unfortunately I have to switch back with kookie. remember if you need to talk I'm always here Jisung!" JK said. Han nodded and smiled lightly, JK closed his eyes and when he opened them they returned to Jungkook's normal chocolate hazelnut

"Don't worry we'll protect you, Han!" Kai said with a smile. Jisung nodded but was suddenly his mood brought back down by Jungkook's next question

" do you have a mate?"

"No...I haven't found my mate yet and frankly, I don't think anyone would want me anyway" he said, staring at the ground
"Don't think like that!" Jungkook said, "you know I thought that for the longest time..in the end, I found an amazing person who I can call my mate" he continued "so don't worry" 

"and if your mate doesn't accept you I'm gonna kill him" Hyuka added with an evil glint in his eyes. Han looked up at him in surprise, 'why would someone he just met care about him enough to do that for him. he huffed in confusion but got up and slowly they made their way outside.

"Finally you guys came out!" Taehyun said exasperatedly
"Yeah we were just waiting here feeling the lustful stares of people while staring awkwardly at the floor," Jimin said with a scowl, "can't people tell we have mates and don't want their horny asses"

Then they noticed the extra person and Taehyun pointed "so what's up with him?"
"Hyung stop being rude" Hyuka said pouting Taehyun just nodded not being able to resist the younger's cuteness.
"I'm Han Jisung and I am a male omega," he said taking in a deep breath

"Oh, you're an omega too! Our mates would love to meet you!!" Jimin said happily. Han laughed lightly in response, "You know you guys are the complete opposite of what you are perceived as"

"Yeah we're perceived as a lot of things," Hyuka said laughing. 

"But one question why did you come to us anyway?"
Taehyun asked a bit unsure

"Oh well...I overheard those guys you beat up during the beginning of class-" only to get interrupted by Hyuka "what guys?!"

"Bogum and Dez tried to get Jungkook" Taehyun Said "and continue Han-san?"

"Um no need to call me that we're the same age and they were talking about trying to separate your guys so they could get Jungkook Hyung..that Dez guy was pretty crude and said he wanted to do a lot of..other things, I don't want to remember and Bogum agreed to say that he was finally gonna get his love back someone named-"

"Kim Taehyung" Jungkook finished

"Yeah, how did you know Hyung?" Han asked innocently

To which Jungkook replied with a small smile

"Because he's my mate"


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